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3. Boy: Are those horses over there?

Farmer: No. They are baby cows.

4. Girl: What are these?

Farmer: They’re my potatoes.

Ⅸ.Read and choose. 读句子,为下列句子 选择正确的答语,将序号写在题前的括号内。(共12分)

(   ) 1. Sarah, how do you like this skirt?

(   ) 2. What’s the weather like in Hong Kong?

(   ) 3. Whose pants are those?

(   ) 4. Can I try them on?

(   ) 5. Are these yours?

(   ) 6. Is this your pencil?

Ⅹ. Dialogue.看图选择合适的句子补全对话,只填字母标号即可。(10分)

Ⅺ.Tick or cross. 读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。 (10分)


Thank you for the hat. It’s sunny here.

I wear it every day.

I don’t like the city. The food here is very

expensive! The food in the countryside is

nice and cheap.

How is my dog? He is so friendly and


I miss the ducks, too. How many baby

ducks are there on the farm now?

Please write soon!


Wang Ke

(   ) 1. It is sunny in the city.

(   ) 2. Wang Ke like the city.

(   ) 3. Grandpa has a new hat.

(   ) 4. Wang Ke’s dog is friendly and cute.

(   ) 5. There are hens on the farm.



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