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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了四年级英语下册期末测试卷,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!




(    ) 1. A. postcard B. planet (    )2. A. night B. north

(    ) 3. A. hear B. happy (    ) 4.A. water B. what

(    ) 5. A. skip B. sing (    ) 6.A. cheap B. cheese

(    ) 7. A. instrument B. interesting (    ) 8.A. party  B. pipa

(    ) 9. A. drum B. drive  (    ) 10.A worker B. wonder


(     )        (     )       (     )      (     )     (     )


(     ) 1. Don’t feed the chicken!

(     ) 2. I often go to school by bike.

(     ) 3. The wolf ate all the pigs.

(     ) 4. The machines are dangerous.

(     ) 5.   It’s Mother’s day. Sam is playing the piano.

Ⅳ. 听音,选出你所听到的句子,并将其序号填入括号内(每题2分,共12分)

(     ) 1.  A. Don’t talk here!            B . Don’t walk here!

(     ) 2.  A. The pen costs me 20 yuan.   B . It costs me 12 yuan.

(     ) 3.  A . Joan saw a hat.            B . Joan saw a cat.

(     ) 4.  A . Amy was very scared.      B. Amy was very sad.

(     ) 5.  A . It’s Mother’s Day today.    B . It’s my mother’s birthday today.

Ⅴ. 听音,按所听顺序用数字(1、2、3、4)给句子重新排序。(每题2分共8分)

(     ) I have four strong legs and a short tail, too.

(     ) My name is Mike. I’m tall. I have a long nose and two big ears.

(     ) My body looks like a wall.

(     ) My mouth is not too big. My teeth are very long.


Ⅵ. 请按顺序默写出26个字母的大、小写,书写要规范(共13分)


1. The computer c_________ five hundred yuan. It is so c_________, and I want to buy it.

2. We know Los Angeles is in the w_____ of America.

3. The c_________ of China is Beijing, and it is the center of China.

4. The boy ran to the village and s_________:“Wolf, wolf.”

5. Mother’s day is a s_________ day .We often do something for our mothers.

6. I was n__________ before the concert, but then I was good.

Ⅷ.单项选择 请根据语境选择最佳选项并将序号填入括号(每题1分,共10分)

(      ) 1. Yesterday, a mouse ______ into a shop to buy some cheese.

A. went              B. go            C. goes

(      ) 2. I like playing the erhu. It _______ a violin.

A. looked like        B. looks like      C. look like

(      ) 3.Mother’s Day is coming._________________.

A. I’ll draw a picture for my mum.

B. I draw a picture for my mum.

C. I send some flowers to my mum.

(     ) 4. The people didn’t  _____ to the field, because the boy told lies.

A . ran            B. runs           C . run

(     ) 5.There are so many good books. It’s______ to choose one.

A. difficult       B. dangerous      C . powerful

(     ) 6. Once upon a time, the boy ________ sheep.

A. looks after      B. looked at       C. looked after

(     ) 7. The planet is _______the sun, and it is very cold there.

A. near           B. far from        C. near to

(     ) 8. ---Let’s make ______English newspaper. -----That’s _____ idea.

A. a, an           B. an ;a          C. a ; a

(     ) 9. Look, my brother is ______ the ducks.

A. feeds          B. feed           C. feeding

(     ) 10. Don’t ______ the box. It’s dirty.

A. touch         B. touches         C. touching


(     ) How does Daming go to school?    A. Yes, she does.

(     ) Where did Mum go ?             B. He is going to buy a book.

(     ) What’s Amy doing ?              C. She went to the shop.

(     ) Does Amy want to have a party?    D. She’s drawing a picture.

(     ) What is Tom going to do?         E. By bus.

Ⅹ. 根据语境选择恰当词语把句意补充完整,并将序号填入横线上(每题1分,共5分)

A. see     B. happening    C. surprise     D. happy     E.  piano

It’s Daming’s birthday party.  What is _____________now?  We can _________Tom is singing a song. Amy is playing the ___________. It’s a _________ party for Daming. They are very h__________.

Ⅺ. 连词成句(每题1分,共5分)

1.  do  / you  /why / like / Australia ?


2.  have  / let’s / class / a / party / this / Saturday!


3.  will  / what / do  /you?


4.  lives /  he / in  /north/  the  /America / of .


5.  I / send/ will/ you / postcard/ a.


Ⅺ 阅读短文,判断正误,正确的打“T”,错误的画“F”(每题1分,共5分)

Jim’s father works in a factory. He goes to work every morning, sometimes he goes there by bus, sometimes he goes there by bike. But he is never late for work. He works very hard.

Jim likes his father very much. They often play football in front of their house, sometimes they play basketball in Jim’s school. Jim likes to talk with his father. His father likes to hear Jim talking about his friends and his school.

On Saturday or Sunday, they often play on the computer. Jim has many computer games. But he doesn’t play them every day. He also works hard at his lessons.

(     ) 1. Jim’s father goes to work by bus or by bike.

(     ) 2.They often play football in Jim’s school.

(     ) 3. Jim’s father is happy to hear Jim talking about his friends and his school.

(     ) 4. Jim doesn’t like playing computer games.

(     ) 5. Jim’s father works very hard but Jim doesn’t work hard at his lesson.

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