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笔试部分(70 分)

一、补全单词,并在括号内写出相应的中文。(6 分) 1. p__ __ k ( ) 2 . m__ __ ch ( 3. __ app __ ( ) 4. au__ __mn ( 5. __ __at ( ) 6. S __ __ence ( 二、英汉互译。 (10 分) 1. 在十点三十分睡觉 3. 两个伤心的女孩 5. 喝些热水 7. 非常渴 9. 又累又饿 ) ) ) 2.Good night. 4. Mrs Fox’s apple juice 6. open his English book 8. show Mike your fan 10. don’t eat a pie

三、单项选择题。 (10 分) ( ) 1. –I’m _______. –Can I go swimming ? A. cold B. ill C. hot ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) 2. –Are you ill ? – No, _______. A. it isn’t B. I amn’t C. I’m not ) 3. –Do you like that _______? –Yes, I do. I like _______. A. snowman, snowmen B. snowman, snowman C. snowmen, snowmen ) 4. Bobby _______ some pies for lunch. A. have B. has C. having ) 5. Here _______ a lot of beautiful flowers. A. are B. am C. is ) 6. She wants to _______ some milk, please. A. has B. drinks C. have ) 7. My sister wants _______ some new dresses. A. / B. to C. have ) 8. – They _______ at home. – They _______ in the library. A. aren’t, is B. aren’t, are C. is , are ) 9. – Tim can’t _______.– He needs (需要) a _______. A. runs, chair B. run, chairs C. run, chair ) 10. Here _______ a glass of _______ for you. A. is, juices B. is, juice C. are, juice

四、连词成句。 (5 分) 1. an, have, I, egg, can ( ? ) ________________________________________________________ 2. want, milk, this, to, some, we, have, evening ( . ) ________________________________________________________ 3. table, are, the, here, some, on, pies ( . ) _______________________________________________________



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