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五、 根据所给单词画线部分的发音规律补全单词。(5%)

1. can m__n f__t

2. up __mbrella j__mp

3. tall sm _____ b_____

4. shop s__ck __n

5. twenty thir__ __ fif__ __


1. 漂亮的袜子_________________ 2. 只有十三元 _________________

3. 一把伞______________________ 4. 她的嘴巴____________________

5. 这些娃娃____________________ 6.干得好_______________________

7. 一个长鼻子__________________ 8. 多少钱______________________

9. near the river_________________ 10. in summer___________________


( )1. I’d like ______ pair of shoes.

A. these B. that C. those

( )2. His eyes _____ small.

A. am B. is C. are

( )3. –Who’s the woman with____ hair? – She’s my _____.

A. tall; aunt B. long; uncle C. long; aunt

( )4. We _______ thirty yuan.

A. has B. have C. are

( )5. _________ is the cake?

A. How many B. How much C. How nice

( )6. ---___________ ---I’d like these dolls, please.

A. Here you are. B. What do you like? C. Can I help you?

( )7. How many would you like?

A. Five yuan. B. Five, please. C. I’m five.

( )8. Look at my brother. ______hair is long.

A. His B. Her C. This

( )9. ______ are the socks?

A. How much B. How many C. What

( )10. You can _____ them on. You can _____ them all.

A. take, put B. try, buy C. have, try



( )1. What do you like? A. Twenty.

( )2. How many fans do you have? B. Sure.

( )3. Can I have a look? C. I like cats.

( )4. What would you like? D. I can swim.

( )5. How much is it? E. Twenty yuan.

( )6. What can you do? F. I’d like some fans.


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