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七、 请给问句找到正确的答语,将序号填在题前的括号里。

( ) 1. Can I have some soup? A. Yes, I am.

( ) 2. Turn on the light. B. Sorry, you can’t.

( ) 3. Do you like bread? C. Thank you.

( ) 4. Happy birthday, Sam. D. OK, mum.

( ) 5. Can you make a cake? E. No, I don’t.

八、 连词成句,注意句子开头的字母要大写,句末加上标点。

1. I some can have noodles

2. come I can in

3. is she the cat eating

4. face you see now see her

5. is there this in a photo horse

九、 阅读理解。根据短文内容选择正确的选项。

Look at this photo. It’s in the park. There is an old man on the chair. He is reading a book. There is a boy on the bike. He is running fast. There are three children between the big trees. They are singing. There are two boys on the lake. They are rowing a boat. And there are two girls near the lake. They are playing chess. They are very happy.

( ) 1. The old man is on the chair.

A. reading a book B. running fast

( ) 2. The children between the big trees are .

A. rowing a boat B. singing

( ) 3. Two boys are .

A. rowing a boat B. running fast

( ) 4. There are girls near the lake.

A. three B. two






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