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八 、单项选择。(10分)

( )1.- are my shoes? - under the sofa.

A. Where;It's B.Where;They're c. Where's;They're

( )2.-What's that? -It's umbrella.

A.apple pie. B./ c.an

( )3.- would you like? -An apple pie.

A.What B.How c.Who

( )4.- is it? -Ten yuan.

A.How many B.How much c.What

( )5.-Do you like this ? -Yes,l do. I like .

A. dogs;dogs B.dog;dogs c. dog;dog

( )6.- the cap? -It's on the bed.

A.What's B.Who's c.Where's

( )7.- you like pandas? -

A. Do;Yes,l do. B. Do;Yes,l don't. c. Do;No,l do.

( )8.I'd like a cup of tea and two pies. How much ?

A.is it. B.are they c.are there

( )9.-Here some noodles you. _Thank you.

A.is;for B.are;for c.are;to

( )10. How old you?

A.are B.is c.am


( )1.当你妈妈饿了时,你可以说:

A.Here's a cake for you. B.Here's cup of tea for you.

C.This fan is for you.

( )2.当你进入商店想买一个玩具熊猫时,你可以说:

A.The panda is nice. B.I’d like a toy panda.

C.That's lovely panda.

( )3.当你想知道雨伞的价格时,你会问:

A.How old are you? B.How many umbrellas?

C.How much is it?

( )4.当你进入小吃店,营业员会这样问你:

A.What do you have? B.Can I help you?

C.Anything else?

( )5.苏洋找不到她的裙子了,你想告诉她裙子在厨房里,你会说: A.Here's your skirt. B.Your skirt is in the kitchen.

C.This skirt is for you.


( )1. Who's that woman? A.It's seven o'clock.

( )2. Is that your monkey? B.Yes,I do.

( )3. Do you like tigers? C.Eight yuan.

( )4. What time is it? D.She's Miss Li.

( )5. How much is it? E.No,it isn’t


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