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也许很多小学生在幼儿园就接触过双语教学模式,英语的重要性可想而知。或许英语已不再单单是一门学科,它已经成为必须掌握的一种语言。为此威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了四年级上册英语第二单元试题,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!



1. M 2. P 3. K

4. q 5. j 6. o


( )1. nine big ( ) 2. pen she

( )3. fat name ( ) 4. pig rice

( )5. fish six ( ) 6. it like


( ) 1. I have __________ English book. A. a B. 6 C. an

( ) 2. Put your math book ______ your desk .

A. at B. on C. the

( ) 3.---Let me help you ---_______________

A. Thank you B. Here you are. C. You’re right.

( )4.--- I have a new MP5. ---_________? What colour is it ?

A. Good B. Really C. No

( )5. Let’s _______ and see .

A. go B. to go C. going

( )6、Turn the light.

A. B.on C.in

( )7、I have English book and Chinese book.

A.a; a B.a; an C.an; a

( ) 8. --- What’s in the classroom?

---Two doors and _____ chairs. A. many B. may C. math

( )9.I have new schoolbag.

A. a B. an C. the

( )10.Who has English book?

A. a B. an C. the

( )11. in your hand?

A. Where B. What’s C. How many

( )12. is it?

A. What B. Who C. What colour

( )13.I have a new schoolbag.

A. Really? B. OK! C. Thank you.

( )14. I have math book , notebook and English book .

A. a an a B. a a an C .an a a

( )15.There are 15 in the bag.

A. pen B. a pen C. pens

( )16. How many do you have ?

A. English books B. English C. English book

( )17. --- What’s in your pencil-case?


A. Two rulers and a pen. B. It`s a math book. C. A bag.

( )18. --- is the pen?


A. What B. What colour C. How many


1.long hair__________ 2. short hair__________ 3. thin_______


7.she________8.he________ 9.boy___________ 10.girl__________


1. He (be) strong . 2.Tom (have) short black hair .

3. (he) name is Tim . 4.How many (book) can you see ?

5.I have some (candy) .


( )Thank you so much !

( )Excuse . I lost my .

( )Here it is !

( )OK.What is it ?

( ) English book、 two and notebook.

( )It is blue and .

( ) is it ?

七、 连词成句。(15分)

1. colour what it is ?

2. a new have I schoolbag .

3. is , schoolbag, heavy , my .

4. what, your ,in, is ,pencil box ?

5. blue ,white ,it, is ,and .


(1)用is、 are 、或am填空。

1. She a girl . 2. I Amy. 3. We friendly.

4.The cat white. 5.She tall and strong. 6. He quiet .

7.Wu Yifan thin . 8.My mother short and thin.

(2).用have 或has填空。

1. I long hair . 2.I big eyes. 3.She short hair.

4.He big ears . 5.She long arms . 6.John big hands and big feet .


( )1.What colour is it? A. It’s yellow.

( )2.What’s in your bag? B. OK!

( )3. I have a new schoolbag C. 3 pencils and many books.

( )4.Let’s clean the window. D. Really?


Look! This is my new schoolbag. It’s big. It’s blue and white. I have an English book, a Chinese book, a math book, three notebooks and a pencil-case in it. In my pencil-box,you can see a ruler, two pens, seven pencils and a notebook. Oh, where is my schoolbag? It’s on my chair.

( )1.My schoolbag is small.

( )2.I have three Chinese books.

( )3.My pencil-case is in my schoolbag .

( )4.There are six pencils in the pencil-case.

( )5.The schoolbag is on the chair.





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