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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了外研版四年级英语第一单元上册测试题,希望对大家有所帮助,谢谢。


( )Amy: Hello ,Mike.

( )Mike: Really ? Let’s go and have a look .

( )Mike: Hi, Amy. This is Zhang Peng. Our new classmate.

( ) Zhang Peng : Where’s my seat?

( )Amy : Mike, we have a new classmate.

( )Mike: It’s near the door.

二、Look,read and match.看看,读一读并连一连。(6分)

1、beef 2、 window 3 、cake

A、窗户 B、蛋糕 C、牛肉

三、Choose the best answer .选择正确答案。(15分)

1、Turn ____the light ,please !

A、 under B、 on C、 in

2、We have ____new classroom.

A、the B、 an C、 a

3、We have five new ____.

A、 chair B、 chairs C、 chaires

4、 Let me ____the window.

A、 sweep B、 put up C、 clean

5、 What is this?

It is a ____.

A、 bee B、 egg C、 orange

四、Read and check .读句子,用“√”标出正确的句子。(8分)

1、A Let me clean the window . ( )

B Let she clean the window . ( )

2、A I have two lights and three books. ( )

B I have five picture and many pen . ( )

3、A The picture is under the wall . ( )

B The picture is under the wall. ( )

4、A Put up the picture . ( )

B Turn in the light. ( )


1、Clean the board . A.、 开灯。

2、Turn on the light. B、 擦窗户。

3、Sweep the floor. C、 挂上图。

4、Put up the picture. D、擦黑板。

5、Clean the window. E、打开门。

6、Open the door. F、扫地。

以上就是小编为大家整理的外研版四年级英语第一单元上册测试题更多内容请关注:威廉希尔app 小学频道.


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