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2. Fold your dress

3. A: School is over. Let’s go to the playground.    B: OK.

4. Time for P.E. Jump and run.

5. Go to the garden. Water the flowers.

6. Milk a cow.

7. It’s rainy. Open up your umbrella.

8. Feed the hens.

9. Go to the playground. Play football.

10. Put on your sandals. Wiggle your toes.

三、 听录音,把句子补充完整,每空一词。

1. It’s 8:45. It’s time for Chinese class.

2. A: What colour is it?     B: It’s white.

3. It’s cool today. Let’s fly a kite.

4. A: How much are the apples?    B: They’re five yuan.

5. I can see three pigs and five ducks on the farm.

四、 选出适合的答句,将其编号写在括号里。

1. Is this a computer.

2. What time is it?

3. What colour is the jacket?

4. How much are the jeans?

5. Are they goats?


Let’s go to the party. Wow ,your clothes are beautiful. Tom , what size of your shoes?  Size 10. How much ? 99yuan. Look at lily’s nice dress . it’s 50 yuan. And Bob’s jeans are very blue. They are 39 yuan. Hello john. How much is your shirt ? It’s 30 yuan.


一.1 A   2 C  3 B  4C  5C

二.5  1  4  3  2

6  9  7  10  8

三.1  8:45, for   2  colour, white    3  cool, Let’s

4 are, They’re   5 pigs, ducks

四.1C  2B  3C  4A  5B


六、1、this/that   isn’t

2、time  o’clock

3、It’s     can

4、many  are

5、How  It’s

七、1 jeans  2 snowy  3 watermelon  4 Chinese  5  T-shirt

八、1、A.  2、B.  3、A.  4、C.   5、A.

九、1B  2A  3D  4C  5E

十、 1×  2×  3 √  4×  5×

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