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Amy: Are there any animals on the farm?

Mike: Yes, there are. There are sheep, goats, lambs and cows.

Amy: How many cows are there?

Mike: There are one hundred cows. Guess what? I can milk the

cows here. 新 课 标 第 一 网

Amy: That’s great! I have to stay(待在) at home and watch

TV. It’s rainy in New York.

1. It’s warm today. Amy is at a farm.

2. Mike likes onions.

3.There are 100 cows on the farm.

4. Mike can milk the cows on the farm.

5. It’s windy in New York. Amy can watch TV.



1. Can I wear my new shirt today? No, you can’t. It’s cold.

2. Where is the washroom? It’s on the first floor.

3. Can I help you? Yes. I want a skirt for my daughter.

4. What’s the weather like in Beijing? It’s windy.

5. Where are my shoes? Look! They’re under your bed.

6. How much is this colourful dress? It’s only 20 yuan.

Oh, it’s very cheap.

7. Are they carrots? Yes, they are.

8. What time is it? It’s 10:50. It’s time for lunch.


1. Can I help you? Yes. I want a pair of sneakers.

What about this pair? Oh, yeah. I like them. How much are they?

Ninety-nine yuan. Oh, that’s expensive.

2. How much is your jacket? Oh, it’s cheap. It’s only 25 yuan.

3. Can I help you? Yes. I want three carrots. How much are they?

They are two yuan. OK. I’ll take them.

4. Oh, your farm is so big. How many cows do you have?

I have one hundred. Wow!

5. Are they horses? Yes, they are.

How many horses are there? There are fifteen horses.


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