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-- B:___________

A . Some apples. B . Yes. C. No.

10 -- A: Where’s Mary ?

-- B:___________

A . She‘s Mary. B .I can see her . C.Sorry, I don’t know .

四. 匹配题(16分)

1. How old are you ? A. It‘s eleven .

2. What do you want to be ? B. No ,they’re peaches a/

3. We‘re late for the party . C.I’m five.

4. Are they pineapples ? D. They‘re Helen’s.

5. What‘s eight plus three ? E. Thank you .

6. Welcome to our school . F. Thank you .

7. Don’t climb trees again. G. Yes. Let‘s hurry

8. Whose bananas are they ? H. Yes,sir.


1. fat that is who woman


2 . long , who’s , woman , the , with , hair ( ? )


3. those , what , are , mangoes ,they‘re ( ? .)


4. sister’s what‘s her job doctor she’s a

_________________________? ______________________.

5. like would What you like I‘d watermelons five

___________________________? _______________________.


A Oh, it’s late for school.

B. It‘s seven o’clock.

C. Yes. Let‘s hurry.

D. Mike, what’s the time now?

七、 根据实际情况回答:(10‘)

1. What’s your name?


2. Do you like grapes?


3. How old are you?


4.Is your father a doctor?


5. How old is your mother?



2014年四年级英语下册Unit 4测试题(新版PEP) 



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