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(    )1. It’s time for PE class.              A. Hand in the homework.

(    )2. It’s time to go to the garden.      B. Draw a tree.

(    )3. It’s time for lunch.                C. Jump and run.

(    )4. It’s time to go to the library.      D. Have some chicken.

(    )5. It’s time for English class.          E. Drink some milk.

(    )6. It’s time to go to the teacher’s office.  F. Water the flowers.

(    )7. It’s time for breakfast.               G. Read and write.

(    )8. It’s time to go to the art room.       H. Read a book.

二、 选词填空。

(     )1. 小学2014年四年级第二学期英语期中试卷:School     over.  Let′s go to the playground.

A. am          B. is          C. are

(     )2.Let’s go home!    Just      minute.

A. a          B. the         C. an

(     )3.It′s  7:05.   It′s time      school.

A. to       B. to go      C. to go  to

(     )4. It′s 6:30.   It′s time        dinner.

A. for      B. to       C. have

(     )5. It′s 6:30 a.m.  It′s time to          .

A. get up      B. go to bed      C. go home


(     )1. What time is it ?              A. Yes, it is .

(     )2. Where is your classroom?       B. It′s on the first floor.

(     )3. Let′s  run.                   C. It′s 10:30.

(     )4. Do you have a library?         D. Yes, I do.

(     )5. Is this your schoolbag?        E. OK.


1. play Let’s  football(.)

2. watch TV  to  time  It’s(.)

3. is now it What time (?)

4. o’clock   It’s   eleven(.)

5. for  It’s  dinner  time(.)


My name is Tim. I’m a student. I get up at 6:00. I eat breakfast at 7:00. Now, it’s 7:30. It’s time to go to school. It’s 3:45. It’s time for PE class. My P.E teacher is Mr. White.

(     ) 1. It’s        . It’s time to get up.

A. eight o’clock       B. six o’clock       C. six fifteen

(     ) 2. She goes to school at            .

A. seven thirty     B. seven o’clock      C. seven twenty

(     ) 3. It’s 3:45.  It’s time for            .

A. breakfast          B. computer class        C. PE class

(     )4. Who’s  his  PE teacher?

A. Miss Liu           B. Miss White             C. Mr. White

(     )5. What is Tim?   He′s a             .

A. teacher              B. student             C. farmer





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