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A. You take this candy .

B. You have to take this medicine .

( ) 3 .别人在电影院里吸烟时,你说:

A. No smoking in the cinema .

B. Don’t cry in the cinema .

( ) 4. 当你想告诉同学要按时上学时,你说:

A. You must get up early .

B. You should go to school on time.

( ) 5. 别人在教室里乱跑时,你说:

A. You must keep quiet in the classroom.

B. You mustn’t run in the classroom .


A. How do you do? B. How many ? C. What’s this?

D. What’s your name? E. Are you going to the movie this afternoon?

( )1.A: ___________?

B: My name’s Lily.

A: How old are you?

B: I ‘m twelve.

( )2. A: ___________?

B: It’s a jacket.

A: What color is it?

B: It’s blue.

( )3. A: __________?

B: Yes, we are. And you?

A: Me too.

( )4. A: This is Ann.

A: Ann,This is Nina..

B: How do you do?

C: _________________

( )5.A: What are these?

B: They are carrots.

A: _____________?

B: There are three.

第三部分 综合运用(15分)


Today is Sunday. It is September 30th, 2004. It is a boring day. It is hot. I don't go to school today. I watch TV all morning. The football match is boring. Then I call my friend, Nancy. She isn’t at home. I don’t know where she is. At twelve o'clock I am hungry. There is not any food in the fridge. I am tired. Then I eat lunch in a restaurant near my house. At one o’clock. I am in bed. In the afternoon I go to see a movie. The film is boring, too. At seven o’clock I eat supper at home. I'm glad tomorrow is Monday. I can go to school and see my friends.

十三、阅读理解。 (5分)


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