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( ) ( )

七、找出每组词中不同类的, 把序号写在括号中。(10分)

1. ( ) A. basketball B. football C. runners

2. ( ) A. open B. name C. walk

3. ( ) A. fish B. chicken C. banana

4. ( ) A. cake B. ice cream C. kite

5. ( ) A. flower B. brother C. sister

6. ( ) A. summer B. cloudy C. winter

7. ( ) A .nurse B. why C. worker

8. ( ) A. vegetable B. fruit C. yellow

9. ( ) A. coat B. school C. shirt

10. ( ) A. bird B. hot C. cold


1. You must ___________ more than ten years old.

A. be B. are

2. You must ___________ a good mountain bike.

A. had B. have

3. It isn’t going to hurt , _____________ it ?

A. is B. isn’

4. Mike’s friends _______ him to the hospital yesterday.

A. take B. took

5. He will come back early , ____________ he ?

A. will B. won’t

6. --I don’t think people should leave trash in the forest.

-- ________________.

 A. Me too. B. Neither do I.


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