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校名 班级 姓名 分数

听力部分 60%

一.听字母写单词,并在括号里写出中文意思。 12%

二、听音、选择你所听到的字母或单词。 8%

( ) 四年级下学期英语期中考试题:1.A. B B. P ( )2. A.G B. J

( ) 3.A.pass B.grass ( ) 4. A.day B.lay

( ) 5.A..house B.mouth ( ) 6.A.yes B.year

( ) 7.cake B.lake ( ) 8.A.how B.now

三、听音标号。 8%


1. It’s ( )seven thirty.

( )thirty-seven yuan.

2. How do you ( )go to school.

( )come to school.

3. I’m going to ( ) the dining room.

( ) the classroom.

4. He works( ) in Shanghai.

( ) in Beijing.

5. I need a present for ( )my son.

( )my mom.

6. There is a dock ( )on the wall.

( )on the table.




¥100 ¥66 ¥32 ¥82 ¥84


( )1.A.Nice to meet you too. B.Glad to meet you too.

( ) 2.A.I’ll go swimming. B.She will running.

( ) 3.A.She’s a girl. B.He goes to school on foot.

( ) 4.A.I’m thirty-five . B.It’s thirty-five yuan.

( ) 5.A.We need eggs,carrots and fish. B.They are cooking.


( ) How much is it ? ____________________________

( ) Please line up here. ____________________________

( ) It’s eighty-nice yuan. _________________________

笔试部分 40%

一、按字母表顺序写出5个元音字。 5%

二.抄写下面的单词和句子.注意大小写和标点符号,并在括号里写出中文意思。 12%

big ben kitchen piano fruit

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

will you go to england by plane

( )

三.根据中文意思写出单词。 8%

茶叶 杯子 煮饭 轮船

__________ __________ __________ ___________

熊猫 洗 沙发 桌子

__________ ___________ ___________ _____ ____

四.选择填空, 并将其选项写在横线上。 5%

( )1. I like ______ .

A. swimming B. swim

( )2.________ an apple on the table.

A. There is B. There are

( )3.I will _________ basketball .

A. go B. play

( )4.We have_________ England class today.

A. a B. an

( )5.Put the fruit in the _________.

A.kitchen B.bedroom

五.找出每组中间不同类的单词抄在横线上。 6%

______________ 1.A.supermarket B.tnenty C.nineteen

______________ 2.A.milk B.robot C.cake

______________ 3.A.chair B. kettle C.desk

______________ 4.A.Chinese B.English C.England

______________ 5.A.dining room B.chicken C.kitchen

______________ 6.A.car B.student C.motorcyde


( ) 1. The Great wall is in Beijing.

( ) 2. We can go swimming in summer.

( ) 3. We can go to England by plane.

( ) 4. Summer is coming we’ll make snowmen.



一.听字母写单词,并在括号里写出中文意思。 12%

table piano cup soap bathroom study

桌子 钢琴 杯子 肥皂 浴室 书房/学习

二、听音、选择你所听到的字母或单词。 8%

1、B 2、J 3、grass 4、day 5、mouth 6、year

7、cake 8、how (A-B-A-B-B-B-A-A)

三、听音标号。 8%

1、PE 2、computer 3、thirty 4、Friday 5、hot day

6、doll 7、toy train 8、teddy bear (3-2-6-4-8-7-1-5)


1、It’s thirty-seven yuan.

2、How do you go to school.

3、I’m going to the dining room.

4、He works in Beijing.

5、I need a present for my mom.

6、There is a dock on the wall.


Part A 1、A: How do you go to work,Mr. Robot?

B: On Monday I go to work on foot.

2、A: How do you go to work,Mr. Robot?

B: On Tuesday I go to work by bike.

3、A: How do you go to work,Mr. Robot?

B: On Tuesday I go to work by motorcycle.

4、A: How do you go to work,Mr. Robot?

B: On Tuesday I go to work by car.

5、A: How do you go to work,Mr. Robot?

B: On Tuesday I go to work by plane.

Part B 1、A: How much is the toy train?

B: It’s 100 yuan.

2、A: How much is the teddy bear?

B: It’s 66 yuan.

3、A: How much is the robot?

B: It’s 82 yuan.

4、A: How much is the toy plane?

B: It’s 84 yuan.

5、A: How much is the doll?


1、Nice to meet you.

2、What will you do in summer?

3、What does he go to school?

4、How much is the doll?

5、What do we need?


1、Please line up here.

2、How much is it ?

3、It’s eighty-nine.





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