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( )四年级英语下册期中综合测试卷:1.A.miss B.mess C.mistake

( )2.A.stairs B.space C.spent

( )3.A.balloon B.became C.born

( )4.A.later B.letter C.laugh

( )5.A.proud B.pilot C.practise


( ) 1.A.Why are you wearing a raincoat ?

B.Why are you wearing a swimsuit?

( ) 2.A.The balloons are flying away

B.My newspaper is flying away

( ) 3.A.She wrote a book about herself

B.she wrote a book about her mother

( ) 4.A.Yang Liwei’s son was nine years old .

B.Yang Liwei’s son was eight years old .

( ) 5.A.He’s going to go to school by bus .

B.I’m going to walk to school


from famous made China twenty-one pilot flew saw became spent

Shenzhou V ( ) into space with Yang Liwei in October 2003 . He was( )’s first man in space . Yang Liwei is ( ) Liao ning . First he became a ( ). Then he ( ) a taikonaut . He ( ) about ( ) hours in space . He ( ) a video about his space travel . Lots of people ( ) it and now he is very ( ) .


四、写出下列单词的过去式。( 10 分 )

eat ( ) buy ( ) send ( ) draw ( ) write ( )

五、单项选择 ,将你认为正确选项的序号填入题前括号内。( 20分)

( ) 1. We are going to have a picnic _____half past 12.

A.at B.in C.on

( ) 2. I had a very funny day _____Saturday .

A.in B.on C.at

( ) 3.She’s _____ things for your birthday

A.buys B.buy C.buying

( ) 4.Helen keller ____see and hear

A.can’t B.couldn’t C.could

( ) 5. She 1880.

A. born in B. is born in C. was born in

( ) 6. The birds are singing the tree.

A.off B.at C.in

( ) 7. I ____you this book .

A.boght B.buying C.bought

( ) 8.We are playing chess , ____ the doorbell is ringing .

A.but B.so C.and

( ) 9.It’s going to tomorrow.

A. windy B . be windy C. be rain

( ) 10. Russia the first animal space.

A. send , for B. send, to C. sent, to


1 is, Daming, a, having, party, birthday.


2 China’s ,space , man , Yang Liwei ,in, was ,first


3 in ,born ,was , America , 1880 , Helen Keller, in


4 eat. are, going , When, we, to ?


5 gave, Who, to, it, you(?)


七、根据所给单词首字母的提示,在横线上填恰当的单词,使句子意思完整。( 10分)

1.Helen Keller is a m___ (模范) for blind people and for you and me.

2.Daming is playing the t______ , (小号)but the phone is ringing .

3. L (后来),she learned to read。

4.He saw his father in space and he was very p_____ (自豪的)of him.

5.The teacher drew l_____ (字母)in Helen’s hand.


Look at this man. His name was Louis Braille. He was born in 1809. He was born in France. He became blind in 1812. He learned to read at school for blind children. He is very famous. Because he made first letters in Braille.

1.What was his name?

2. When was he born?

3.Where was he born?

4.Did he learned to read?

5.Why is he famous?





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