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四年级英语下册期中检验题:( )1. A.come B.say C.sleep

( )2. A.clever B.bright C.happy

( )3. A.night B.time C.name

( )4. A.hair B.eye C.ear

( )5. A.chang’e B.Hua Mulan C.Snow White

( )6. A.zoo B.cinema C.badminton

( )7. A.right B.left C.wave

( )8. A.boy B.girl C.morning

( )9. A.want B.home C.work

( )10. A.play B.wash C.raise


( )How nice to see you again !

( )It means “clever”.

( )What time is it ?

( )We are going to play football.

( )His name is Wu Son


BRIGHT HOME LEFT time get up

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1. sit down A.sad

( )2. happy B.low

( )3. left C.slow

( )4. high D.stand up

( )5. white E.hot

( )6. fast F.young

( )7. cold G..right

( )8. big H.black

( )9. old I.that

( )10. this J.small


( )1. 当你看到李老师走过来,你会对你的同学说:

A.Her name is Mr Li. B. Look, here comes Mr Li

( )2. 你想问远处事物是什么,你应问:

A.What’s this ?. B. What’s that ?

( )3. 当别人指着蝴蝶问你:“What’s this ?”时你应该怎么回答?

A.It’s a butterfly. B. It’s butterfly.

( )4. 当你不知道别个名字时,你应该说:

A.Who are you ? B. What’s your name.please ?

( )5. 当你想知道别个打算去哪里,你应该问:

A.What are you doing ? B. Where are you going ?

( )6. 你想建议你的朋友们去野餐,你应该说:

A.How about a picnic ? B. What about a picnic ?

( )7. 当你问别人最喜欢的动物是什么,你应问:

A.What do you like ? B. What’s your favourite animal ?

( )8. 当你想知道别人来至那个国家时,你应问:

A.Where are you from ? B. Where are your from ?

( )9. 当你想问别人时间时,你应问:

A.What is it time ? B. What time is it ?

( )10.你和你的朋友打算一起做家庭作业是,你应说:

A.Let’s do our homework. B. I want to do my homework


( )1. What is that ?

A.It’ s a kite. B. That is kite

( )2. How nice to see you again!

A.I’m fine. B. Me.too.

( )3. What does “ bright ’’ mean?

A.It means “ clever’’ . B. He is a teacher.

( )4. What’s your name ?

A.My name’s Ting Ting. B. I name’s Ting Ting.

( )5. What time is it ?

A.It’s ten. . B. Tt’s a cat.

( )6. See you tomorrow.

A.Sorry. B. See you.

( )7. Do you like swimming ?

A.No.I not. B. No, I don’t..

( )8. What’s his name?

A.His name is Le Le. B. Her name is Le Le..

( )9. How about playing football ?

A.Yes . I can . B. Why not ?.

( )10.Where are you from ?

A.I’m from China. B. I from China.


( )1.Wash your hands. A.她的名字是花木兰。

( )2.Tt means “happy”. B.很高兴又见到你。

( )3.What time is it ? C.洗手。

( )4.I want to do my homework . D.明天见。

( )5.How nice to see you again! E.它的意思是快乐。

( )6.Her name is Hua Mulan F.放风筝。

( )7.go to the cinema. G.几点了?

( )8. fly a kite. H.不用谢

( )9.see you tomerrow. I.我想去做我的家庭作业。

( )10.You are welcome. J.去电影院。





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