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第十三单元 A卷



( ) ( ) ( )


( ) 1. A. Mary B. Peter C. Tom

( ) 2. A. friends B. parents C. Lily

( ) 3. A. by train B. by car C. by plane

( ) 4. A. Kunming B. Tibet C. Xishuangbanna


( ) 1. A. I want to go to Shanghai. B. I want to have lunch.

( ) 2. A. I want to swim. B. I want to see the Buddha Palace.

( ) 3. A. I want to go there by car. B. I want to go there by plane.

( ) 4. A. I want to see Tian’anmen Square. B. I want to see Mount Fuji.


Hello, I am Tina. Summer vacation is coming. I want to take a trip with my dad. First, we want to go to Tibet by _________. Next, we want to go to Luoyang by ________. We want to see a ___________ ____________there. Then, we want to go to Shandong by train. We want to __________ _____________ there. Finally, we want to go back home.


五、 根据所给的汉语意思,补全单词。(10分)

( ) 四年级英语下册第十三四单元复习卷  :1. 假期 vac_tion A. a B. e C. o D. u

( ) 2. 泰国 Th__ land A. oi B. ui C. ia D. ai

( ) 3. 小汽车 c_r A. u B. o C. a D. e

( ) 4. 海滩 b __ ch A. ae B. ea C. ee D. oi

( ) 5. 花 fl__ er A. ow B. ou C. oa D. ew

六、 将有关联的词组进行搭配(10分)

( ) Thailand A . see the sunrise

( ) Mount Tai B . see elephants

( ) Tibet C .see a flower show

( ) Kunming D .see the Buddha Palace

( ) Australia E. see the koalas


( ) 1. _______ do you want to go this summer vacation?

A. where B. Where C. What

( ) 2. Lily _______ to swim.

A. wants B. want C. like

( ) 3. I want to go to Hainan ____ plane.

A. on B. by C. in

( ) 4. I want to go to Australia. And I want to see _______ there.

A. panda B. elephant C. kangaroos

( ) 5. 当你把东西递给别人时,说: 。 http://www.xkb1.com

A. Thank you! B. Come in, please. C. Here you are.

( ) 6. Tom wants to go to the beach with his dad. ______ want to swim there.

A. He B. She C. They

( ) 7. _______ do you want to go there? By plane..

A. How B. What C. Where

( ) 8. Let’s _____ to the Western Hill.

A. goes B. going C.go

( ) 9. There ______ 5 stars on the flag.

A. is B. are C. be

( ) 10.He goes to Beijing by plane _____ October.

A. in B. to C. by


( ) 1. He want to go to the West Lake next week.


( ) 2. I want to go to the summer palace with my parents.


( ) 3. Where do you want to do in America?


( ) 4. I comes from China.



1. a show to there see want flower we .


2 want How go do there you to ?


3 parents to I to want with my go Wuhan .


4. winter want Canada to They go this to vacation .

新 起 点 教 材 四 年 级 下 册

第十三单元 B卷



1.Tom ( ) A

2.Lily ( ) B

3.Joy ( ) C

4.Linlin ( ) D

5.Wang Dan ( ) E


( ) We want to visit the Summer Palace.

( ) Where do you want to go this summer vacation?

( ) what do you want to do there?

( ) I want to go to the Beijing with my parents.


Hello, I am Jim. In this summer _____________, my friends and I want to ____________. We want to go to the _________. We want to swim there. Then we want to go to the ___________ ___________ to see wild animals. Next we want to go to the West Lake. We want to take pictures there. Finally, we _________ back home together.

四、听音,根据录音内容判断对错。正确(T) 错误(F)(8分)

( ) 1. Tom wants to learn Wushu in this summer vacation.

( ) 2. Roy wants to go to Thailand this summer vacation.

( ) 3. Tom and his parents want to go to the West Lake.

( ) 4. Jill wants to see elephant show in Xishuangbanna.


五、 选出不同类的一项 (10分)

( ) 1. A. train B. bus C. car D. pictures

( ) 2. A. Mount Tai B. safari park C. flower show D. Shaolin Temple

( ) 3. A. Thailand B. Japan C. Los Angeles D. Canada

( ) 4. A. plan B. learn C. travel D. swim

( ) 5. A. Tokyo B. Tibet C. Toronto D. Paris

六、选择(20分)X k B 1 . c o m

( ) 1. This _______ my travel plan.

A. is B. are C. am

( ) 2. I want to go to the safari park. I want to ___________ there.

A. learn Wushu B. see the sunrise C. see wild animals

( ) 3. How do you go to the United States? ____________.

A. By train. B. By bus. C. By plane

( ) 4. I want to go to Australia _______ my mom.

A. in B. with C. and

( ) 5. 当别人把东西送还给你时,你应该说: 。

A. Thank you! B. Come in, please. C. Here you are.

( ) 6. We want to go to ______ beach to swim.

A. a B. / C.the

( ) 7. Li Jia ________ to Kunming this summer vacation.

A. go B. goes C.going

( ) 8. We want to swim _______ eat tropical fruit on the beach.

A. with B. and C. or

( ) 9. Do you want to go to Dalian with me?

A. Yes, I do. B. No, I do. C. Yes, I don’t.

( ) 10. Where is the Buddha Palace ? It’s in _____________.

A. Beijing B.UK C. Tibet

七、选择括号里的单词填空 (15分)

( Mount Tai, Kunming, West Lake, row a boat, Japan )

1. Where can you see beautiful flowers? _______________

2. I want to see Mount Fuji. Where can I go? _______________.

3. He wants to go to the Summer Palace. He wants to __________________ there.

4. It’s a beautiful place. You can take pictures. Where is it? _______________

5. I want to see the sunrise. I can go to ______________________.


What, your, want, to, with, to, go, I, my, by, is, travel, mom,

Australia, plan, plane

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________



新 起 点 教 材 四 年 级 下 册

第十四单元 A卷




1. Lily ( ) 2. Lucky ( ) 3. Yaoyao ( ) 4. Binbin ( )


( ) 1. A. Mary B. Peter C. Tom

( ) 2. A. hiking B. travelling C.singing

( ) 3. A. sewing B. reading C. paiting

( ) 4. A. boring B. interesting C. exciting

( ) 5. A. collecting coins B. collecting stamps w


( ) 1. A. My hobby is collecting dolls. B. Her hobby is collecting dolls.

( ) 2. A. His hobby is collecting stickers. B. Her hobby is collecting stickers.

( ) 3. A. It’s interesting. B. It’s a good stories.

( ) 4. A. My hobby is taking pictures.. B. I like taking pictures.


1. This is Rose. Her hobby is ______________ models. She thinks it’s _______.

2. This is Simon. His hobby is collecting _______________.

3. Angela’s hobby is ____________. She __________ it very much.

4. This is Qiqi. His hobby is taking ______________. He thinks _________ interesting.


五、 看图,写单词(12分)

六、 根据范例写单词(12分)

例: read – reading

1. keep -- ______________ 2. play -- _____________

3. swim -- ______________ 4. travel -- ____________

5. make -- ______________ 6. dance -- ____________


( ) 1.What _____ your hobby?

A. is B. are C. be

( ) 2. What is your sister’s hobby? ______ hobby is singing.

A. my B. his C. her

( ) 3.My hobby is ___________ stories.

A. read B. reads C. reading

( ) 4. ______ do you like travelling? Because it’s exciting.

A. What B. Why C. Where

( ) 5. _______ do you think of collecting dolls?

A. What B. Why C. Where

( ) 6.______ hobby is painting pictures.

A. Lily B. Lily’s C. She

( ) 7. Is your hobby playing chess?

A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, you are.

( ) 8. Mary’s hobby is ________ and _________.

A. sewing, knitting B. sew, knit C. sew, knitting

( ) 9. Her hobby is hiking. She ______ it’s fun.

A. think B. thinking C. thinks

( ) 10.What is Lingling’s hobby? Her hobby is __________.

A. collecting coin B. collect coins C. collecting coins


新 起 点 教 材 四 年 级 下 册

第十四单元 B卷




( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


Sam, David, Ben, Jim, Laura, Sue

1. _________ playing yo-yo 2. ___________ painting

3. _________ singing 4. ___________ listening to music

5. _________ playing balls 6. ___________ keeping diaries


Tom: Hi. What _____ you painting?

David: I’m a bird.

Tom: Do you like painting?

David: Yes. My is painting pictures.

Tom: What do you of it?

David: I think it’s exciting.


五、 按要求写单词 (12分)

1. fun -- _____________(同义词) 2. story -- _____________(复数)

3. interesting -- _____________(反义词) 4. wash -- ____________(第三人称单数)

5. swim -- _____________(-ing形式) 6. cool -- ____________(反义词)


1. What is your h___________(爱好)?

2. What do you t_______ (认为)of it?

3. My hobby is d___________(跳舞)。

4. I don’t like r____________(阅读)stories.

5. My hobby is playing c____________(计算机)games. It’s fun.

七、连词成句。 (8分)

1. Binbin’s is What hobby ?


2. dolls hobby collecting sister’s his Is ?


3. Why his grandma does dancing like ?


4. much He likes very collecting .


八、阅读短文, 回答问题。(10分)

My hobby

I am Bob. I am 11 years old. I live in a tall building. It has twenty-nine floors. I live on the twenty-first floor. I am from China. I have small eyes. My favourite food is chicken. My favourite animal is dog,because it is lovely.

My best friend is Ted. We often play together. But his house is very far from my house. He likes playing computer games. My hobby is playing football. I often play football with my classmates, because they like playing football, too. We often win. Why do I like football? Because it does a lot of good for my body. Do you like football?

1. Who is 11 years old? ____________.

2. Tom’s best friend is ____________.

3. What does Ted like? He likes playing _________________________.

4. Tom often play football with his ____________________________.

5. Why does Tom like football? Because it does a lot of ________ for his body.








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