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【摘要】也许很多小学生在幼儿园就接触过双语教学模式,英语的重要性可想而知。或许英语已不再单单是一门学科,它已经成为必须掌握的一种语言。为此威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了英语四年级上册期末复习卷,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!

I. 选词填空

1. I am hungry. Can I have some _______________? (water, bread)

2. ---What drinks do you like? --- I like _____________ (milk, butter)

3. The small tree’s roots are _______________ (long, short)

4. I see the fountain, the plants and the ______(swing, swim) in the park.

5. I want to buy some rice, some fruit and sugar in the _______________. (class, supermarket)

6. _________ (How many, Count the) desks. There are four.

7. _________ (How many, Count the) desks? There are four.

8. I’ve got five ___________ (stone, stones). How about you?

9. What’s in ___________ (the park, park)? Some _______ (pet, pets)

10. His cat ________ (likes, like) sleeping very much.

11. ___________ (Do, Does) the farmers like the farm?

12. ______________ (Do, Don’t) chase the animals.

13. Where are the children? _________ (In, On) the farm.

14. Here __________ (is, are) some grass. Here __________ (is, are) some sheep.

15. How _________ (many, much) moths are there? One.

16. The trees(have, has) got long roots.

17. ___________(Whose, Who’s) that girl with a kite?

18. ______________ (Whose, Who’s) kite is that? Kitty’s.

19. Look at _______ (Ben, Ben’s) mask. It’s ______ (his, he’s) birthday present.

20. Kitty and Alice __________ (have, has) a parrot. _______ (Its, It’s) red.


in on behind under of beside

1. Where is the park? It’s _____________ our school.

2. That teacher has got a pair ____________ glasses.

3. There are many plants ______________ the plant house.

4. Look, some boys and girls are playing _____________ the slide.

5. The horses eat hay ____________ the trees.

6. I am in front of Tim. Tim is _____________ me.

7. --- A small cup ____________ tea, please. --- Thanks.

8. There are seven days ____________ a week.

III. 填入所缺单词

1. __________ sunglasses is that? That’s Tom’s.

2. __________ pick the flowers.

3. __________ does hens like? They like __________.

4. This is my football. I __________ play football.

5. John __________ got a plant house.

6. __________ are the birds? __________ in the aviary.

7. __________ does your good friend’s mother do? She’s a doctor.







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