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来源:网络 2009-10-20 21:26:26

[标签:试卷 四年级 试题] [当前18722家长在线讨论]

一. 圈出你所听到的数字。

1.  46    62    12        2.  2      12     20

3.  3     16    13        4.  21    11    16

5.  52    21    37        6.  86    67    73

7.  1.3    1.6   1.9        8.  3.1   2.3    3.6

二. 听音,把下列短文补充完整。

This is ____ desk. It‘s _______. A red book is ___the desk. _____ a pink pencil is beside the book. A brown ball is ______the desk. A blue chair is near the desk.

三. 根据听到的内容,选择合适的答案。

1. A. It’s sunny.           B. It‘s wet.

2. A. I like red.           B. My favourite is pink.

3. A. I live in a house.      B. I’m in a library.

4. A. It‘s in the desk.       B. She’s in the classroom.

5. A. Eighteen.            B. Eighty

四. 更换(添、减、换)一个字母使它成为一个新单词。

1. know ________    2. there_______  3. car _____

4. bed_______       5. son_______   6. these_____

7. nine _______    8. bike________  9. but _______

10. back_______   11. four_______  12. he________

五. 选择合适的选项,把字母填在题前括号内。

(   ) 1. How old _____you?

A. am       B. is        C. are

(   ) 2. I ______ eleven years  old.

A. am       B. is        C. are

(   ) 3. This is _________.

A. shoe        B. shoes       C. a pair of shoes

(   ) 4. I go to school ______.

A. bus         B. by bicycle      C. walk

(   ) 5. Where ____you live?

A. does        B. do           C. are

(   ) 6. _______tall are you?

A. Who         B. What        C. How

(   ) 7. I live ______a house.

A. in          B. on         C. at

(   ) 8. This is _____orange.

A. an          B. a         C. this

学   校

班   级

学   号

姓   名

(   ) 9. Is that ____eraser?

A. your       B. you       C. yours

(   ) 10. This is an apple. It‘s ______red.

A. a        B. an      C. /

六. 找出错误并改正。

1. I am ten year old. _____________

2. I’m 1.3 metre tall. ______________

3. These are shoe. ________________

4. I go to school on bus. ___________

5. What tall are you? ______________

七. 选择。

(   ) 1. How old are you?

A. I‘m  ten.    B. Fine, thank you.   C. How do you do?

(   ) 2. Nice to meet you.

A. Nice to meet you, too.   B. Fine, thanks.  C. How are you?

(   ) 3. __________________    She is Yang Qing.

A. Who’s this boy?  B. Who‘s this girl?  C. Are you Yang Qing.

(   ) 4. _____________    It’s yellow.

A. What‘s it?     B. What colour is it?  C. What do you like?

5. How’s the weather today?      __________________

A. It‘s very hot.   B. It’s Li Ming‘s hat.  C. Fine, thank you.

八. 读短文,选择正确答案。

Hello! My name is Bill. I’m ten years old. I‘m 1.5 metres tall. Now I’m wearing a T-shirt, shorts, socks and shoes. I like purple. That‘s my favourite colour. I like to draw pictures. It’s my favourite school work. I like pizza and ice cream. They are my favourite food. I like hot dogs, too.

(   ) 1. How old is Bill?

A. Nine.      B. Ten.      C. Eleven.

(   ) 2. What‘s his favourite colour?

A. Black.      B. White.     C. Purple.

(   ) 3. What’s his favourite food?

A. Donuts.    B. Hot dogs.    C. Pizza and ice cream.

(   ) 4. What‘s his favourite school work?

A. Sing songs.    B. Draw pictures.   C. Read books.

(   ) 5. What’s he wearing now?

A. T-shirt.      B. Skirt.      C. Pants.


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