


【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了小学四年级英语阅读理解与练习,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


Fred and Jean are brother and sister. They are Americans. They are in the same school. Their school is not far from their home. Fred is in Mr Black's class. He is thirteen. He is one of the best students in his class. Mr Black likes him. He is good at Chinese, but Mr Black is not. Jean is eleven. She is in Mrs Black's class. Mrs Black is an English teacher. Jean is good at English, but she is not good at Chinese.

( )1. Are Fred and Jean twins?

A. Yes, they are.

B. No, they aren't.

C. Yes, they are in the same class.

D. No, they are not American.

( )2. How old is Jean? She is_____________.

A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen D. ten

( )3. Who is good at Chinese?

A. Mr Black B. Mrs Black C. Jean D. Fren

( )4. Where is Fred and Jean's school?

A. It's in China.

B. It's behind a hill.

C. It's near their home.

D. It's in English.

( )5. Which sentence is wrong?

A. Fren and Jean are in the same family.

B. Mr Black and Mrs Black are Fred and Jean's father and mother.

C. Mr Black likes Fred very much.

D. Mrs Black is Jean's English teacher.



威廉希尔app 小学频道    四年级英语教案