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1、Teach : spring , summer , autumn, winter

(1) T: Look, here're four pictures. What pictures are they ?

( They are four seasons of a year .)

T: Which is the first season ? (Learn : spring)

(2) T: What's the weather like in spring ? Is it usually hot? Is it usually cold?

T: It's usually not hot or cold . It's warm most of the time .(Learn :warm)

T: Does it often rain in spring ? ( learn : rain )

(3) T: So what's the weather like in spring ? ( In spring , It's warm. It often rain. )

通过师生交谈引出第一个季节,并运用已学的英语知识hot与cold对warm进行解释,培养学生用英语进行思维的习惯。4、用类似的方式教学summer/ autumn/winter.其中渗透句型What's the weather like in Spring ? It's often … It's

(三 ) Listen and read

   (1 ) Ask the Ss to watch the vido of part A and only listen.


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