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2016年四年级下册英语Unit 3 Travel plans说课稿范文



T: Look here! What can he do? He can ski, /ski/.

Ss: /ski/

T: Do you like skiing?

Ss: Yes.

T: What else can you do in Harbin?

S: We can see the ice engraving.

T: Great!


③教学the Great Wall和take photos

T: Where is it?(点击课件)

Ss: 北京

T: What can you do in Beijing?

S1: I can visit Tianmen Square.

S2: I can visit the Summer Palace.

S3: …

T: Good job! Look! Where is it?

Ss: 长城

T: The Great Wall. eat—great, all—wall.

Ss: The Great Wall.

T: Have you ever been to the Great Wall?

Ss: Yes. / No.

T: The Great Wall is great. What can we do on the Great Wall?

Ss: We can climb the hills.

T: What else?

S: We can see the flowers.

T: Can we take photos there?(做动作)

Ss: Yes!

T: take photos.

Ss: take photos

T: Where can we take photos?

S: We can take photos …


④教学visit the Mogao Caves

T: Have you ever been to there?(点击课件,出现敦煌景色图片)

Ss: Yes. / No.

T: Where is it?

Ss: Dunhuang.

T: What can you visit in Dunhuang?

S: We can eat good food.

S: We can …

T: Excellent. What is it?

Ss: 莫高窟

T: It’s the Mogao Caves, /keivs/.

Ss: /keivs/

T: We can visit the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang. What else can we do in Dunhuang?

S: We can take photos in Dunhuang.

S: We can …


⑤教学West Lake和row a boat

T: There is a nice place in Hangzhou. Many people visit it. Many poets wrote poems about it. Sushi thought it is as beautiful as Xizi. What is it?

Ss: 西湖

T: Yes, it’s the West Lake. What does a-e say?

Ss: /ei/

T: Good! /west/, /leik/.

Ss: /west/, /leik/

T: What can you do on West Lake?

S: I can take photos.

S: I can …

T: Can you row a boat?(做动作)

Ss: Yes.

T: /rəʊ/

Ss: /rəʊ/

T: /bəʊt/

Ss: /bəʊt/

T: You can row a boat on West Lake. Where can you row a boat?

S: I can row a boat …

设计意图: 通过追问,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。

⑥Look, listen and repeat

T: Look at the pictures! Let’s say by using This is … We can … Please work in 2.


T: Open you book. Listen and number.(点击课件)



T: Let’s listen and finish the chart.(点击课件)


T:(点击课件,出现文本)Let’s listen and repeat.


(2)Let’s play

T: Let’s play. First let’s see how to play.(点击课件)


T: Are you clear?

Ss: Yes.

T: Let’s go. Work in 2.


(3)Let's write

T: Look at the pictures.(点击课件,出现A部分图片)We can eat seafood in Sanya. What can you do?

S: We can …


T: Now let’s write.


1. Read the words to your parents.

2. Repeat the dialogue to your parents.

3. Write about your travel plan: We can … in …




以上就是关于四年级下册英语Unit 3 Travel plans说课稿范文的全部内容,希望大家喜欢!


分析小学四年级英语上册《Part B》说课稿  

品读四年级英语上《Lets learn Lets do》说课稿  


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