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新起点二年级英语上册Unit3 Parks说课稿



T: How much is it?

S: _____ Yuan.

T: Here is my card.

S: Thank you for coming.

ⅴ Show the dialogue on the slide and practise two by two.

ⅵ Students perform the dialogue.

Ⅳ Superman in Shanghai

ⅰDo you know superman? Show picture. This is superman. Now Superman is in China. He wants to go to Shanghai.

ⅱT: How can he go to Shanghai? Let’s have a look.

Show DVD c 21:25-21:35 Do you think he is super? No, I don’t think so. It’s really not a good idea to run to Shanghai. But he is in such a hurry. So please tell he how can he go to Shanghai?

ⅲTo elicit: by….

He can go to Shanghai by______. Show DVD c 9:34-9:42 How does Superman go to Shanghai? He goes to Shanghai by car. Where is he, now?Let’s see. He is at Lujiazui. I want to ask him some questions. The students read the questions.

1 Have you ever been to Pudong?

2 Where is Pudong?

3 How do you go to Pudong?

4 What do you think of Pudong?’

5 What will you do at Pudong?

He goes to Shanghai by car.33:08-33:55

ⅳShow DVD c 00:00-00:20 What will he do?

ⅴShow DVD e 2:40-2:47 He wants to play Bungee Jumping here. What will you say to him? Stop jumping. Welcome to Shanghai but don’t play bungee jumping here. It’s dangerous. You can play bungee jumping in the park.

ⅵ Perform the dialogue.

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