2.Into new lesson导入新课:The teacher says: This is Zoom. Today is Zoom ’s birthday. Some animals are going to take part in his party. Listen and look, please.
3. Presentation新课展现 :show a forest on the cream. Listen who is coming? Learn the words
设计意图:通过课件,为学生创设一个森林中动物去赴宴的前景,一个个小动物出现,把学生带入一个生动的画面中,激发学生的学习兴趣,为let’s learn中单词的学习和动画的出现做了铺垫。
4.Let’s learn.学
1) Show out the animals: 用图片出示小动物
Ask the students to look at the picture and tell the teacher: what can you see on the picturer? The students should know the meaning of the animal.
2) Learn to say new words by computer and tape .通过电脑和录音机来学说单词
Have the students look at the word on the computer. Look and listen carefully, and learn to say. Play the tape once and let the students listen carefully. Play it a second time, pause it after each utterance and get the students to say out.
3) Act like some animals.表演各种动物
Have the students look at the computer, repeat the sentences and act out the animals.
设计意图:通过演示文稿,展现移动的小动物,激发学生的求知欲,产生主动学习的自主性。让学生在观看中学习模仿动物名称的英语单词,跟着学、说、做,特别是对Act like duck等句子的表演及跟读,充分掌握单词、句子并加深了对单词、句子的理解。
4) Check: connect with word and picture. 识字检测
设计意图:融合在游戏listern, pat, and stick 中,把直观的图片与抽象的单词结合起来,也达到了识字检测的目的。
5) Play a game. 做小游戏活动
Have a rest, play a game. Show out the four-six pictures of the animals, have the students watch carefully, and then close the eyes. At this time, the teacher take one away, and make the students open the eyes, then guess: what’s missing?
设计意图:爱玩是孩子们的天性,设计小游戏。此游戏为what’s missing?游戏,出示4-6个动物图片,让学生注意观察,然后闭上眼睛,教师去掉一个,睁开眼睛再猜什么丢了?学生在猜的过程中可以把直观的图片与抽象的单词结合起来,做到在教学中,不用实物也能说出所学的英文单词。在游戏过程中让学生走上讲台,展现在学习过程中的所得,让他们在课堂中体验学习的乐趣,增强收获成就感,充分树立学习英语的自信心。
6) Let’s do.做的当 中,Understand the meaning of Act like a monkey by computer通过电脑理解句意
Act out the animals, so as act like monkey…It ‘s so easy to understand the meaning of the sentence for the students. Also, its makes difficult sentence become easily. Of cause , the class will be full of the lovely.
设计意图:让学生跟着课件做出动物的特性表演,像act like monkey等,不用教师解释句子的意思,学生就可以在表演中理解句意,边表演边说,难的句子也就成了有趣的话语,做到了化难为易的效用。
8) Listen and do by computer.在课件的辅助下学习表演Have the students listen to the tape twice , and then ,ask students to do.
9) Let’s act. (teacher and students do together)师生互动
The teacher joins to the activity of the action, shares the happiness with students, it’s better to study English for the students. we’d better make the students feel the happiness in the class.
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