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小学三年级下册英语同步练习试题:She's very nice



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小学三年级下册英语同步练习试题:She's very nice


1. 友好的     2. 他(宾格)    3. 总是,一直    4. 稍微,有点    5. 羞怯的,腼腆的     6. 电子贺卡     7. 文静的     8. 另一个     9. 鹦鹉


1. nice _______         2. shy _______          3. 但是 _______

4. more _______        5. quiet _______         6. 非常_______

7. naughty _______     8. 有点_______        9. do maths_______

10. helpful _______     11. 加_______


is    shy    are    another    helps     but    him

1. These _______ my friends.

2. She always _______ people.

3. Maomao is a bit _______.

4. I’ve got _______ friend.

5. This _______ Xiaoyong.

6. He’s very naughty. _______ we all like _______.



This is Maomao. She’s very nice.

1.  Maomao/shy

This is ______. ______ a bit shy.

2. Xiaoyong/clever

__________Xiaoyong. _________very clever.

3. Parrot/ loud and naughty

__________________. __________________________

例:Boy/ do his Maths/I/ help him

This boy can’t do his maths. I’m going to help him.

4. Boy/ do his Science/I/ help him.

This boy ____ do his Science. ___________help him.

5. Girl/ do her English/ I/help her

This girl __________________. ____________help her.

6. Girl /do her Chinese/ I/ help her

______________________________. __________________________.

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