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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了三年级英语下册同步练习卷,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!




(   )1.  A.          B.   C.

(   )2.  A.      B.   C.

(   )3.  A.         B.    C.

(   )4.  A.          B.    C.

(   )5.  A.          B.    C.


(   )         (   )           (   )         (   )          (   )


1.           2.          3.           4.           5.


(   )1. A. He’s in the car.  B. She’s in the library.

(   )2. A. Yes, it is.          B. Yes. It’s a case.

(   )3. A. Yes, I am.          B. Yes, Mr Green.

(   )4. A. No, it isn’t.         B. I’m sorry.

(   )5. A. It’s a pie.           B. It’s over there.



(   )1. A. robot   B. pencil     C. ruler

(   )2. A. eat      B. parrot      C. drink

(   )3. A. yellow    B. window     C. white

(   )4. A. what      B. where     C. ball

(   )5. A. shout      B. talk        C. pencil case


(   )1.            the blackboard.

A. Look   B. Look at   C. Look to

(   )2. Don’t           the robot.

A. Listen  B. Listen at   C. Listen to

(   )3. That isn’t            cap.

A. I       B. my        C. you

(   )4. Please don’t            my milk.

A. eat     B. shout      C. drink

(   )5. This            my skirt. It’s your skirt.

A. is      B. not        C. isn’t

(   )6. -           your ball?

-Yes, it is.

A. Is this  B. This is     C. It is

(   )7.            talk in the library.

A. No      B. Not        C. Don’t

(   )8.            a schoolbag over there?

A. Is this    B. Is that      C. It’s

(   )9. Would you like            orange or yellow?

A. a       B. an        C. /

(   )10.-           the lunch box?

-It’s over there.

A. Where’s B. What’s    C. Where

三、连词成句,注意大小形式及标点符号。( 每小题2分,共10分)

1.  your  pen  this  is ( ? )

2.  this  my  is  toy ( . )

3.  my  crayon  isn’t  that ( . )

4.  is  cake  for  this  you ( . )

5.  your  where  English  is  book ( ? )

四、从B栏中找出A栏相应的答句,将序号填入题前括号中( 每小题2分,共16分)。

A                            B

(   )1. This is for you.            A. Good morning.

(   )2. Is this your pencil?         B. Yes, Mr Green.

(   )3. Where’s your pencil?          C. It’s over there.

(   )4. Don’t talk.                   D. It’s a ruler.

(   )5. Stand up.                    E. No, thank you.

(   )6. What is it?                   F. Yes, it is.

(   )7. Good morning.                 G. Thank you.

(   )8. Would you like a glass of milk?    H. I’m sorry.


1. My sister has a _ _ncil in schoolbag.

2. Your  _ _nch _ _x is over there.

3. That is not a crayon. It’s a _u_ _er.

4. Is this a p_ _?

5. Don’t talk.  I want to sl _ _ _.


Yang Ling:  Look, Helen! _______________

Helen:  It’s a hot dog.

Yang Ling:  _______________

Helen:  No, it isn’t. It’s an ice cream.

Yang Ling:  I’d like that ice cream. _______________

Helen:  No, thank you. _______________

Yang Ling:  Oh, I’m sorry.


A: Yang Ling, where are you?

B: I’m in my bedroom(卧室).

A: Yang Ling, please open the door.

B: OK. Come in, please.

A: What’s this?

B: It’s a robot. It’s a birthday present(礼物)from my mum.

A: Is that a robot, too?

B: Where?

A: Over there, On the desk.

B: No, it’s a toy car. It’s my brother, Yang Ming’s car.

(   )1. -Where is Yang Ling?

-She is           .

A. in her bedroom  B. in my bedroom

(   )2. -Which is a birthday present from Yang Ling’s mum?

-           .

A. A toy car.   B. A robot.

(   )3. - Where is the toy car?

-          .

A. On the desk.       B. Sorry, I don’t know.

(   )4. The toy car is           .

A. Yang Ling’s.  B. Yang Ming’s.

(   )5. Yang Ling’s brother is           .

A. Yang Ming   B. The robot

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