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亲爱的小朋友,快乐的暑假来到了,你们可以放松一下自己了!在愉快的暑 假中, 希望你们能按时认真地完成暑假作业。下面是为大家分享的三年级英语暑假练习,希望对大家有帮助。


( )1、A、DC B、BC C、EC

( )2、A、ai B、 ei C 、 ea

( ) 3 A 、 bd B、 bg C、 dg

( ) 4 A、 IL B、 LM C、 NM

( ) 5 A 、 GC B、 JC C、 F


1、I am a _____( boy , girl ).

2、I have a______( sister, brother).

3、I am ______(eleven, twelve).

4、Who’s that _____(man ,woman). ……He is my father.

5、How many _____(cats ,kites) can you see ? ……I can see eightee


( )1、A .It’s ok B.Welcome back to school C. Thank you

( ) 2 A. I’m from America B, My name is Amy C. I’m fourteen

( ) 3 A. I have sixteen B.I can see fourteen C .I’m fifteen

( ) 4 A. She’s my mother B. He’s my father C. She’s my sister

( ) 5 A. Thank you B. I’m fine ,and you C . Me too


( ) Who is this man,Mike?

( ) Do you like apples?

( ) Who is that boy?

( ) Excuse me. Can I use your pen?

( ) This is my grandpa.

( ) How many kites can you see?-

Part II笔试部分

五、 根据下面情景, 选择恰当的选项。

( ) 1. 当别人问你来自哪里后, 应回答说::___________

A. You’re welcome. B. I’m from America. . My name is Li Mei.

( ) 2..当你很惊讶地看到一只大鹅时, 应说: _______.

A. What a big goose! B. How beautiful! C. What a big fish!

( ) 3. 当你把物品给别人时, 应说: ______.

A. It’s here. B. Here you are. C. Here it is.

( ) 4. 当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说: ______.

A. Where is my taxi? B. Where is my car? C. This is my car.

( ) 5. 当看到别人要摔跤时,应说:_________.

A. Watch TV. B. Watch out. C. Look at me.


1、-----______is that woman----She is my English teacher ,Miss Chen .

A Where B who C what

2、-----How many _______can you see ? -------Nineteen.

A kite B kites C cat

3、I _____a new friend .Her name is Alice .

A am B have C has

4、------Who is that girl ? -------_____is my sister


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