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(  )1. a. chair      b. ruler        c. blackboard    d. desk

(  )2. a. friend     b. brother      c. sister         d. mother

(  )3. a. cow       b. hot dog     c. duck         d. pig

(  )4. a. dinner     b. lunch       c. breakfast      d. pear

(  )5. a. drink      b. eat         c. boy          d. run

(  )6. a. behind     b. big         c. in           d. under

(  )7. a. man       b. woman     c. girl           d. uncle

(  )8. a. red        b. orange      c. blue          d. apple

(  )9. a. eleven      b. morning     c. afternoon      d. evening

(  )10. a. what      b. where      c. there          d. how


(     )1、----Look at my toy car.    ----__________________A. It’s a car         B.How lovely!

(      )2. ----What _____this?   ---It’s  a  penA.is                  B.are

(      )3.----What time is it ,please?   ----_________ four  o’clock  A.It’s               B.It

(      )4.It’s  time ________English  class A. at          B. for

(      )5.-----How  old  are  you ?    -----I’m  _______   A.Liu  Tao            B.nine

(      )6.-----Wake up ,Bobby!     -----__________________   A.OK!                B.I’m  sorry

(       )7.----Happy  Birthday!   ----__________________   A. Thank you            B. Make a wish

(       )8.----It’s eleven o’clock.It’s time for _____.A.lunch                 B.dinner

(       )9. ---What are these?     ---- They’re _____.A. orange                B.oranges

(       )10.----_____that man?    ----He’s my grandpa.A. Who’s                B. What’s


(    )1.如果晚上你去Mike家,你应该说:A.Good morning                B. Good evening.

(    )2.如果你想问新同学的年龄时,你可以说:A.Hello!How old are you ?     B.Hello!How are you?

(    )3.当你想向对方介绍自己时,你可以说:A. Hi, I’m Liu Tao.              B. This is Liu Tao.

(    )4.当你将一件东西交给对方时,你可以说:A. Look at me.                B. This is for you.

(    )5.当你称赞洋娃娃可爱时,你应该说:A.How lovely!                    B.Great!

(    )6.当你想知道现在几点钟时,你可以问:A.Where is it ?                  B.What time is it?

(    )7.早晨上学的路上,有人问你几点了,你可以回答:A.It’s seven o’clock    B.It’s twelve o’clock

(    )8.上学要迟到时,妈妈会提醒你:A.Hurry up .                   B.Wake  up.

(    )9.有客人到你家做客,你对他们说:A.Welcome to my home .         B. You’re right.

(    )10.做游戏时,想告诉Tom出局了,可以对他说:A. Tom, you’re right.             B.Tom, you’re out.


I                           II

(  )1. Look!A bird!                  A. It's on the chair.

(  )2. Where's my lunchbox?             B. Thank you.

(  )3. How old are you ,Tim?             C. It's seven o’clock.

(  )4. Who’s she?                      D. I'm two.

(  )5. What time is it?                   E. How beautiful!


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