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A:We will go to the zoo this weekend. What will you see?     B:______________________.

A:What will you take?                                 B:_____          ________

A:Will you take your kite?                              B:___________    ________

A:______________   __                              B:No,I won’t.

A:Will Sam go,too?                                   B:_______             ____.

A. Yes,he will.         B.  We will see lions and tigers.

C.  No,I won’t.          D.  We will take some fruit.       E.  Will you take your ball?


(一)读一读,圈一圈,正确的圈T,错误的圈F (共5小题,计5分)

In Amy’s class, there are fifty children. There are thirty boys and twenty girls. On Saturday, they are going to have a picnic in the park. Boys will take their football and girls will take their kites. They will see many trees and a long river there.

1) There are thirty children in Amy’s class.                      T     F

2) There are twenty boys and thirty girls.                        T     F

3) They are going to have a picnic in the park.                    T     F

3) Boys will take their football and girls will take their dolls.        T     F

5) There is a long river in the park.                              T      F


Lingling is a clever girl. She’s a bit quiet. Lingling is good at Maths. She works hard at Chinese.  She tries hard at English.  She is quite good at Science. But she doesn’t work hard at Art. The teacher is very happy with her work.

1. This is _______ report.     A. Lingling’s     B. Lingling

2. She is _______ at Maths.   A. works hard    B.  good

3.  She tries hard at _____.    A. English       B.  Chines

4.  She  _________at Art.    A. tries hard     B. doesn’t work hard.

5.  The teacher is happy with ______.     A. her report.    B. her work



1 lazy      2  then      3 helpful       4 fifteen     5 another   6  tea    7 parrot    8 floor        9 Thursday    10 week


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