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九、读句子,与对应的图片连线。 (10分)

1. He is doing a play.

2. They are playing clapping games.

3. She is watching TV.

4. He is eating.

5. She is listening to the radio.


1. Excuse me.Where is the zoo?                    A. It’s sunny.

2. What’s the weather like?                       B. It’s in front of the school.

3. What are you doing?                      C. They’re playing clapping games.

4. What are they doing?                          D. I am flying a kite.

5. Is he doing his homework?                      E. Yes, he is.

二年级英语听力题签 2015.6

十、 听音,选出你所听到的单词,把序号写在括号里。(20分)

(    )1.  A. photo    B. picture   (     ) 2.  A. game      B. ground

(     ) 3.  A. camera   B. cinema   (     ) 4.  A. radio      B. right

(     ) 5.  A. secret    B. street      (     ) 6.  A. sad       B. say

(     ) 7.  A. take     B. talk       (     )8.  A. write     B. wrong

(     ) 9.  A. family   B. flower      (     ) 10.  A. late     B. little


1. Turn left.

2. We are turning around.

3. Go staight on.

4. The train is going up a hill.

5. Turn right.

三、判断所听内容与图片是否一致,一致的在括号里画“√”,不一致的画“X”。 (10分)

1、He is running.

2、He is playing basketball.

3、He is playing with his train.

4、She is walking.

5、They are playing football.


1、Turn left.

2、Where’s the supermarket?  It’s next to the park.

3、It’s windy.

4、She isn’t tidying her room.

5、He is writing a letter.


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