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在愉快的暑假中,同学们一定要能按时认真地完成暑假作业,并且让自己的假期过得安全、充实,而且有意义,威廉希尔app 提供了三年级英语暑假作业练习题,希望对大家有用。


(   ) 1. dad  fat      (   ) 2.leg   he     (   ) 3. orange  mother

(   ) 4. big  nine     (   ) 5. duck   under


1. A. twelve    B. apple    C. thirteen     D. pear    E. twenty

(    )        (    )      (    )        (    )       (    )

2. A.grandmother    B.boat     C. grapes     D. mother     E. watermelon

(    )        (    )      (    )           (    )         (    )

三、 选出不同类的单词。

(   )1. A. USA          B. China        C. under

(   )2. A. strawberry   B. grape        C. car

(   )3. A. eleven       B. giraffe      C. rabbit

(   )4. A. twelve       B. tall         C. fat

(   )5. A. girl         B. mother       C. father

(   )6. A. in           B. under        C. fun

(   )7. A. thirteen     B. twenty       C. crayon

(   )8. A. box          B. orange       C. watermelon

(   )9. A. bag          B. body         C. hand

(   )10.A. student      B. desk         C. chair


A.          B.           C.             D.               E.

(   ) 1.Put your hand under your desk.

(   ) 2.Bounce the ball

(   ) 3.Row a boat.

(   ) 4.Make your eyes big.

(   ) 5.Be tall tall tall!

A.          B.               C.             D.             E.

(   ) 1. Look at the car. It’s on the chair.

(   ) 2. Hi! I’m Mike. I’m from Canada.

(   ) 3. --Is she your teacher?  --No, she isn’t. She’s my mother.

(   ) 4. --How many kites do you see?    -- I see 6.

(   ) 5. It has a long body and short legs.


(   ) 1. The rabbit has long ears and a short tail.

(   ) 2.Drive a car.

(   ) 3. The ball is on the chair.

(   ) 4. Long, long, long, make your arms long.

(   ) 5. I have seventeen balloons(气球).


(   ) 1.—Have some grapes.

--Sorry,___ .

A.I don’t like grapes.    B. I like grapes.

(   ) 2. That is Mr. Jones. He is a ____.

A. teacher           B. girl

(   ) 3. This is Sarah. She is ________ . She is from __________.

A. a student; the USA         B. student; USA

(   ) 4. Is he your brother? No, _______.

A. she isn’t        B. he isn’t

(   ) 5. The elephant has a ___nose and a __ tail.

A. short, long       B. long, short

(   ) 6.-- Is the cap in your toy box?   -- Yes, ______.

A. it is.            B. he is

(   ) 7. – I don’t like watermelons.  –Me, _______.

A. neither           B. too

(   ) 8.—How many _____ do you see?  -- I see 12.

A. kites             B. kite

(   ) 9. -- ____ is my pencil box?    -- It’s in your desk.

A. Who               B. Where

(   ) 10. -- Where are you from?-- I ____ from Shandong.

A. is                B.am


(   )1. How many cars do you have?

A. I have fourteen.

B. I have fifteen.

(   )2. Where is the ball?

A. It’s under the box.

B. It’s in the box.

(   )3. Is the bird on the chair?

A. Yes, it is.

B. No, it isn’t.

(   )4. Look at the monkey.

A. Wow. It’s so thin. It has a short tail.

B. Wow. It’s so thin. It has a long tail.

(   )5. Who’s that man?

A. He’s my grandfather.

B. She’s my grandmother.

八、根据下面情景, 选择恰当的选项。

(    ) 1. 当别人问你来自哪里时, 可以回答说::

A. You’re welcome.           B. I’m from China

C. My name is Li Mei.

(    ) 2.他是一位新同学,应该怎么说:

A. She’s a new student.        B. He’s a new student.

C. He’s a new teacher.

(   ) 3.你想知道小船在桌子里面吗,应该怎样问:

A.Is the boat in the desk?     B. Is it under the desk?

C. Is it on the desk?

(     ) 4.当你想知道对方喜不喜欢草莓时,应该怎样问:

A. Do you like strawberries?   B. Have some strawberries.

C. Do you like strawberrys?

(     ) 5. 当你找不到尺子时, 可以这样问:

A. Here it is!    B. Where is my ruler?   C. What’s in the box?.

(   ) 6. 邀请他人吃些水果,可以说:

A.Here you are.   B. Have some fruits.   C. Certainly.

(   ) 7. 想询问同桌有几只钢笔,应该问:

A.How many pencils do you have?     B.How many pens do you have?

C.How many pens do you see?

(   ) 8.当你收到礼物盒想打开看一看,应该怎么说:

A. Open it and see.   B. Good idea.   C. So beautiful!

(   ) 9.我有一双大眼睛和一对小耳朵,这样说:

A. I have big eyes and small ears

B. I have a big eye and a small ear.

C.I have small eyes and big ears.

(   ) 10.请你来形容一下大象,以下几种说法,哪种正确?

A. It has small ears.  B. Wow! It’s so big!  C. It has a short nose.


(     ) 1. Is she your sister?              A. Yes, I do.

(     ) 2. Where are you from?              B. I see two.

(     ) 3. Where is my pen?                 C. No, she isn’t.

(     ) 4. Do you like grapes?              D. It’s under the book.

(     ) 5. How many birds do you see?       E. I’m from Canada.


1. She is a new               .

2. I see               fish.

3. The ruler is under the             .

4. I don’t like                 and grapes.

5. The                  is big and tall.






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