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暑假是适用于全世界在校学生的一个较长的夏季假期。一般在7月-8月左右。。威廉希尔app 提供了三年级英语下学期暑假作业题,希望能帮助大家更好的复习所学的知识。


(  )1、A. ef    B. bc    C. ec

(  )2、A. ai      B. ei     C. ea

(   ) 3  A. bd    B. bg      C. dg

(   ) 4  A. IL    B. LM    C. NM

(   ) 5  A. GC    B. JC    C. FL


1、I’m a _____( boy ,  girl ).

2、I have a______( sister, brother).

3、I am ______(eleven, twelve).

4、Who’s that_____(man ,woman).

5.How many _____(cats ,kites) can you see ?


(   )1 A .You’re welcome   B.Welcome back to school  C. Thank you

(   ) 2 A.I’m from America  B.My name is Amy   C. I’m fourteen

(   ) 3 A. I have sixteen  B.I can see fourteen  C .I’m fifteen

(   )4 A.She’s my mother  B. He’s my father C. She’s my sister

(   ) 5 A. Thank you  B. Fine,thank you.And you?   C . Me too


(   ) Who is this man,Mike?  (   ) Do you like apples?

(   ) Who is that boy?         (   ) Excuse me.Can I use your pen?

(   ) This is my grandpa.


五、下面情景, 选择恰当的选项 (每小题2分,共20分)

(    ) 1. 当别人问你来自哪里后, 应回答说::___________

A.You’re welcome  B.I’m from the USA  C.My name’s John

(    ) 2. 当你把物品给别人时, 应说: ______.

A. Here you are.    B. It’s  here.  C. Here it is.

(    )3. 当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说: ______.

A. Where is my taxi?  B. Where is my car?  C. This is my car.

(    )4.当看到别人要摔倒时,应说:_________.

A.Watch TV.   B. Watch out.   C. Look at me.

(    )5.你想让陈洁等你一下时,你应该说:

A.How old are you   B.Excuse me   C.Wait a minute

(    )6当你想借同学的橡皮时,你该怎么说:

A.Can I use your pen?  B. Can I use your crayon?  C. Can I use your eraser?

(    )7 USA代表的国家是________.

A.美国     B英国    C.加拿大

(    )8 Sarah是你的新朋友,要把她介绍给妈妈,该怎么说:

A.It’s Sarah   B.This is Sarah  C.Where is Sarah

(    )9 别人问照片上的女人是谁时,你可以回答:

A.She is my mother   B.He is Tom  C.I’m a boy

(    )10有人递给你东西,你要说:

A.I’m sorry  B.OK   C.Thanks



G  C  T  N  Y  _____→_____→_____→_____→_____


eleven, seven, one, six, fourteen



in     on      under

1. The book is ________ the desk.

2. The banana is ________ the desk.

3. The apple is __________ the desk.

4. The ruler is __________ the desk.

5. The pencil-case is __________ the desk

八、阅读短文,断对错(对的打√错的打×. 每小题2分,共10分)

Tom and John are good friends. Tom is twelve years old. John is thirteen years old. They are good students. They like to eat hamburgers.Miss White is their English teacher.She likes them very much.

(   )1, Tom and John are good friends.

(   )2. Tom is thirteen years old.

(   )3. John is twelve years old.

(   )4.Tom likes to eat hamburgers.

(   )5. Miss White thinks(认为)they are good students



ef    ea   bg   IL   FL


1、I’m a boy。                2、I have a brother。

3、I am twelve.                 4、Who’s that man?

5、How many cats can you see?


1、Thank  you。               2、Where are you from?

3、How many kites can you see? 4、 Who’s that girl?

5、How are you?


1、Excuse me, can I use your pen?      2、Who is this man ,Mike?

3、This is my grandpa.          4、Who is that boy?             5、Do you like apples?






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