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1. Snow White is young and pretty.( T)

2. There are two chickens in the picture.( F )

3. The little girl has a toy car. (F )

4. Are they books ?  Yes, they are. (T )

5. The small dog is yellow. ( F )

6. I like oranges. (  T)

7. My grandfather’s telephone number is 6482315.( T)

8. Is the cat behind the box?  No, it isn’t. (T )

9. My father is thin and tall.( F  )

10.  There is a rubber in the pencil- box. ( T )


1. I want to ____buy______ a toy dog.

2. There is a_____small______ box behind the chair.

3. Let’s colour the desk ____purple_______.

4. Can I have an___orange_____, mum?    Of course.

5. My uncle is ____tall______ and strong.

6. These __birds______ are really cute.


1. A: Mum, Can I have some oranges?

B: Yes, of course. Here you are.

A: Thank you , mum.

2. A: Where is the dog , Ben?

B: It’s in the box.

3. A: Are these chickens, dad?

B: No, they are pigs.

A: Oh, they’re lovely.

4. A: Look at the strong man. Is he your uncle?

B: Yes, he is. His name is Bill.

5. A: Do you like the monkey ,Mike ?

B: Yes, I do. It  has two big ears and a long tail .it is very cute.

七、听对话三次,判断句子是否符合对话内容,符合的写“T”,否则写 “F”。(5分)


A: Is this your toy bus, Janet?

B: No, it is Mike’s, dad.

A: Do you have a toy car?

B: Yes, I have eight blue toy cars.

A: Are they on the desk?

B: No, they aren’t.

A: Where are they?

B: They are in my toy box.






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