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在愉快的暑假中,同学们一定要能按时认真地完成暑假作业,并且让自己的假期过得安全、充实,而且有意义,威廉希尔app 提供了三年级英语学期暑假作业,希望对大家有用。


(    ) 1、A、  banana     B、pear     C 、short

(    ) 2、A.、  fourteen   B、thirteen   C、fifteen

(    ) 3、A、  pencil     B、book      C、school

(    ) 4、A、  map       B、under     C、watermelon

(    ) 5、A、  long       B、short      C、giraffe

二. 选出你所听到的句子。(10分)

(    )1. A. I'm Canada.      B. I'm from Canada.    C. I'm Sarah.

(    )2. A. He's my brother.  B. He's my father.      C. She's my sister.

(    )3. A. I have thirteen.   B. I can see thirteen.    C. Balloons.

(    )4. A. No, thanks.      B. You're welcome.     C. Sorry,I don't like

(    ) 5.A. Certainly        B. I have one          C.Yes, I have


1.        2.     3.

A       B              A        B                A        B

4.              5.

A        B                 A       B

四. 听录音,选择正确的答句。(10分)

(    )1、A. She’s my mother.  B. My sister.   C. My brother.

(    )2、A. I have 11 .     B. I can see 11 .     C. I am 12.

(    )3. A. On the desk.  B. Here you are.    C.  Certainly!

(    )4. A. No problem.   B. No, I don’t.     C.  Thank you.

(    )5. I am from China.  B. I like China.   C.  I am a China.


一、 选出不同类的单词。(5分)

(    )1.   A、mother       B、brother     C、teacher

(    )2 .   A、duck        B、desk       C、chair

(    )3.   A.、pig       B、pear        C、grape

(    )4.  A、small        B、giraffe       C、short

(    )5.   A、fifteen       B、twelve      C、friend


(     )1.A.cat    B.map    C.bag   D.banana

(     )2.A.ten   B.pen     C.teacher   D.leg

(     )3.A.kite   B.big   C.pig   D.milk

(     )4.A.dog   B.box  C.do  D.orange

(     )5.A.bus   B. you  C.duck   D.fun


(     )1、—_______catsdo you see? —I  see twenty.

A、How   B、What   C、How many

(      )2、—I have_____apple.—Me too.

A、an   B、a  C、some

(      )3—Who’s that man?—He’s my      .

A、mother    B、 father   C、sister

(      )4 Do you like oranges?—      .

A.Yes,I do.    B、No,I do.  C、Yes,I don’t.

(     )5._____is my pencil-box?

A.It’s in your desk.    B. Yes,it is.   C.Me,neither.


(     )1、你想知道那个男孩是谁,你应该这样问:

A、Who’s this boy?   B、 Who’s that boy?  C、Who’s that girl?

(      )2、想询问别人小汽车在哪里,应怎样问:

A、Where’s my car?  B、Where’s my cat?  C、This is my car.

(      )3、如果有人对你说:“I’m sorry.”你应该怎么回答:

A、Thank you.  B、You’re welcome.   C、it’s OK.

(       )4、你想知道别人是来自哪个地方,应该这样问:

A、Where are you from? B、How are you?   C、How old are you?

(     )5.你想知道别人有多少本书,你会说:

A.Do you have some books?     B.How many books do you like?

C. How many books do you have?


A. tiger    B.grandma   C.box    D.twelve    E.apple

F.orange   G.sister      H.umbrella  I.ten    J.duck

1.表示数字的有_________  ______ 2.表示人物的有________________

3.表示动物的有_________________ 4.表示物品的有 ________________



(     )1.当别人问你来自哪里时,回答:________

A: I’m Amy.      B:I’m from Australia.

(     )2.当你看到一只大象,   说:________

A:Wow! It’s so big and tall.      B:It has small a body and a tail.

(     )3.你问别人有多少支蜡笔,说:________

A: How many crayons do you have?    B : How many crayon?

(     )4.别人问你的钢笔在哪里时,你回答:________

A:Oh,where is my pen?     B:Oh, It’s in my pencilbox.

(     )5.当别人不喜欢苹果,你想表达你也是时用:________

A:Me, too!    B: Me ,neither!

(     )6.当你想展示自己的新蜡笔时,可以说:________

A、It's my crayons  B. Look at my new crayons

(     )7.当别人问你来自哪里后, 应回答说::________

A. My name is Li Mei.   B. I’m from America.    .

(     )8.当你很惊讶地看到一只大鸟时, 应说: _______.

A. What a big bird!   B. How beautiful!

(     )9.当你把物品给别人时, 应说: ______.

A. It’s here.   B. Here you are.

(     )10.当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说: ______.

A. Where is my taxi?    B. Where is my car?


There are five people in my family.My father,my mother,my sister Kate,my brother Jack and I.

My father is a teacher.He is tall.He likes lions(狮子).He likes watermelons.My mother is a farmer(农民).She is short.She likes to feed(喂) dogs and ducks.She likes eating strawberries.Jack,Kate and I are all students.Jack likes monkeys.Kate and I all like pandas.Because we love peace.(和平)

(     )1.There are seven people in my family.

(     )2.My father likes eating watermelons.

(     )3.My mother is tall.She likes to feed ducks.

(     )4.Jack is my brother.He likes monkeys.

(     )5.My sister Kate doesn’t like pandas.






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