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暑假是适用于全世界在校学生的一个较长的夏季假期。一般在7月-8月左右。。威廉希尔app 提供了三年级英语下册暑假作业,希望能帮助大家更好的复习所学的知识。

一、  听录音,选出你所听到的选项.(10分)

(    )1、A.          B.              C.

(    )2.A              B..              C.

(    ) 3. A.              B.              C.

(    )4.A.               B.               C.

(    ) 5.A. Fe            B. Gg            C.Jj

(    )6.A. boy            B . girl            C . today

(    )7、A、Canada      B . bag            C. China

(    )8、A . panda        B . hand           C . dad

(   )9、 A. teacher     B .student           C. pupil

(   )10、 A.  8       B.12               C.15


(    )1、A、We have two new friends.   B、We have a new friend.

(    )2、A、She’s a new student.        B、He’s a teacher .

(    )3、A、This is Amy.   B、This is Mike.   C、This is Mr Jones.

(    )4、A、I`m 19.        B、I`m 6.         C、I`m 20.

(    )5、A、I’m from the USA.   B、I’m from the UK.

三、 听录音,把下列图片按听到的顺序排列。(10分)

第一组: A         B          C            D          E

1.__________  2.________       3._________      4.________    5._________

第二组:A     B         C         D          E

1._______      2._________ 3.__________    4.________     5._________


(    )1、A、Nice to see you, too.      B、He’s my friend.

(    )2、A、I`m from China.          B、I`m Amy.

(    )3、A、Hi, I`m Amy.            B、Welcome.

(    )4、A. My name`s Zhang Peng.    B . She’s a teacher .

(    )5、A. He’s a student .           B. I`m Mike.


1.(    )           2.(    )       3. (    )         4.(    )       5.(    )



第一组  A          B            C             D          E


(   )1. elephant (   ) 2. seventeen  (   ) 3. girl  (   ) 4. grandma  (   )5. boy

第二组:A             B          C             D            E

(   ) 1.Touch your nose .

(   ) 2.Boys and girls,  we have a new friend today .

(   ) 3.She’s my sister . She’s a student.

(   ) 4.Stamp your foot.

(   ) 5Show me A B C D E .


1. (     )A. duck     B. elephant      C. dog          D. she

2. (     )A. China    B. cat           C. USA         D. Canada

3. (     )A. student   B. pupil         C. teacher       D. he

4. (     )A. boy      B. white         C. black        D. orange

5. (     )A. you      B.he            C.she           D. gril

八. 选择合适的答语,将序号填入题前的括号内。

(   )1、Do you like pears?                      A. I can see twelve.

(   )2、Where are you from?                   B. No ,  I don’t.

(   )3、How many cars can you see?             C. He’s my father.

(   )4、Is it on your desk ?                     D. I’m from Canada.

(   )5、Who is that man?                      E. Yes, it is .


(    )1.Hello! I    Mike.       A.am   B.is   C.are

(    )2.      are you from?

A.What      B.Where      C.Who

(    )3.Dad, this is Amy.       is a new student.

A.I    B.She    C.He

(    )4.I`m from      .       A.Amy      B.today      C.China

(    )5.This is Mr Jones.      is a teacher.

A.He      B.She      C.I

(    )6. ---How many kites can you see ?      ---______

A.I have two .   B.  I can see five .  C. I’m fifteen .

(    ) 7. Can I have ____ apple, please?       A. an    B. a    C. the

(     )8. I  _____like oranges.     A. isn’t       B. don’t    C.do

(     )9.—Have some more bananas .     --________.

A. Thank you .      B. Thanks you .       C. Yes .

(     )10.How many_____ can you see?

A. student    B. girls     C. boy


1. I  have   crayons .   (eleven /  twelve)

2. Where is my   ?       (ball/ car )

3. I  like   .   (strawberry / strawberries )

4.Is he your       ?      ( man / father)

5.The girl is a   .   (pupil / pear )







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