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 在愉快的暑假中,同学们一定要能按时认真地完成暑假作业,并且让自己的假期过得安全、充实,而且有意义,威廉希尔app 提供了译林版三年级牛津英语暑假作业,希望对大家有用。


1            2             3             4

二、辨音 (8分)

(     ) 1.  ruler    rubber      (     ) 2. robot   run   (     )3. where   here

(     ) 4.  ruler   schoolbag    (     ) 5. her  bird     (     )6. under   bird

(     ) 7.  behind   in         (     ) 8. parrot    stand


it (复数)__________         isn’t(完整形式)_________

that(对应词)__________      those(对应词)__________

where’s(完整形式)_________  to (同音词)__________

don’t(完整形式)_________    this(复数)__________

a clock(同音词)__________    supper(近义词)__________


1. 快点  _____________        2. 在那边_____________

3. 非常感谢  _____________    4. 在树上(外来物)_____________

5. 喝牛奶  _____________      6.看看我的画_____________

7.一只老鸭_____________       8.这些盒子_____________

9.那些图书馆_____________     10.许愿__________


1. my family photo _____________ 2. on your desk _____________

3. a nice piano_____________    4.have a look  _____________

5.come here  _____________    6. you’re wrong _____________

7.go fishing   _____________    8.go to school_____________

9.How nice the cake is! _____________ 10. . I want a robot. ___________


(  )  1.A. run          B. jog         C.  seven

(   )  2. A. trousers      B. dress       C. baseball

(   )  3. A. hot dog      B. car         C. train

(   )  4 .A. sitting-room  B. uncle        C. bedroom

(   )  5. A. tie          B. bathroom     C.vest


(    )1.  你想知道几点,你说:

A. Who’s she?     B. What’s the time?    C. Come here.

(    )2.  同学邀请你一起去公园,你答应了,你说:

A. Great! Let’s go.    B. Sure. Here you are.    C. Oh , yes

(    )3.  当你的朋友饿了,你问他想要吃点什么,你说

A. How are you ?    B. What would you like?   C. I’d like a pie.

(    )4.  对方问你的三明治在哪里,你不知道,你说:

A. Where’s the sandwich?  B. Sorry, I don’t know .  C. It’s in the kitchen.

(    )5.  你想问别人平时玩什么,你说:

A. What do you play?   B. What do you like? C. What would you like?


(   )1.   _____ I have a look?

A. What   B. Can

(   )2.   I’m hungry. I’d like_____.

A. some juice  B. some bread

(   )3.   Shall we        TV?   OK.

A. look   B. watch

(   ) 4.  What       some juice?  No. I’d like a soft drink.

A. at     B. about

(   ) 5.   ____your father, I think.

A She’s       B. He’s

九. 按要求改写句子(16分)

1. Is it your new schoolbag? (陈述句)   It _______ _______ new schoolbag.

2. The bird is under the chair. (否定句)  The bird ______ under the chair.

3. The crayon is over there. (提问)      __________ the __________?

4. 你的哥哥在哪里?他在公园里。

__________ your brother? He’s in the ___________.

5. 你想要一本英语书吗?________ you _______ ______ English book?

6. I am a teacher. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

a teacher? No,       not.

7. your  close   look  and   the   book   blackboard, at (.)连词成句

8. is  colour  book   what  my (?)连词成句

9.listen  the  to  don’t  parrot (.)连词成句



A. Is he in the sitting-room?

B. Oh, he’s in the study.

C. Mum, I can’t find Dad. Where is he?

D. No, he isn’t there.

E. Thank you.



A. I’d like a tie.

B. Twenty-five yuan.

C. Good morning. Can I help you?

D. What colour do you like?

E. OK.. How much?

F. What about this one?

G. Yellow.

C   G   B

十一. 翻译句子(6分)

1. 别把笔袋打开。

2. 这是你的尺吗?是的。

3. 我的书包在哪里?

4. 他是我的好朋友。

5. 你想要个鸡蛋吗? 好的,感谢了。

6. 这是给我的吗?


Look! Jim, Betty, Sue and Sam are in the park. Jim is Sue’s father.

Betty is Sam’s mother. Sam is Sue’s brother. Sue is a beautiful girl. She is

in a red dress. Sam is a lovely boy. He’s on his blue bike. They’re very happy. What a good family!

(   ) 1. Who is Sue’s mother?

A. Sam.         B. Betty.        C. Jim.

(   ) 2. How many people are there in this family?

A. Three.         B. Four.         C. Five.

(   ) 3. Is Jim Sam’s father?

A. Yes, she is.     B. No, he isn’t.    C. Yes, he is.

(   ) 4. What colour is Sue’s dress?

A. Red.          B. Blue.          C. Black.

(   ) 5. What colour is Sam’s bicycle?

A. Red.          B. Blue.          C. Black.






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