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在愉快的暑假中,同学们一定要能按时认真地完成暑假作业,并且让自己的假期过得安全、充实,而且有意义,威廉希尔app 提供了三年级3B英语下册暑假作业卷,希望对大家有用。

一. 翻译下列词组和短语。

1. on his bed               2. in your study              3. look at her shoes

4. my friends       5. family members           6. a nice cap

7. play the accordion      8. like baseball         9. come here

10. eleven crayons          11. seven staplers        12. four o’clock

13. thirteen yuan            14. I can see               15. I see.

16. go home                17. go climbing            18. clean my room

19. help you               20. I’m thirsty.             21. That’s right.


(    ) 1. Is that her copybook?

A. Yes, he is.   B. Yes, she is.  C. Yes, I do.  D. Yes, it is.

(    ) 2. Let’s go skiing.

A. That’s good idea. B. That’s right.  C. Good idea.  D. Yes, I do.

(    ) 3. I’m hungry. I’d like two          .

A. hot dog   B. glasses of juice C. pies     D. soft drinks

(    ) 4.         you like jogging? Yes, I          .

A. Are; like   B. Do; like   C. Do; do . D. Are; do

(    ) 5. What do you like?

A. I’d like a cake. B. I like cakes.  C. A cake, please. D. No, thanks.


(   ) 1. 当你想知道书包里的东西是什么时,你可以问:

A. What’s this on the school bag?  B. Excuse me, what’s in the school bag?

C. What’s that in the school bag?

(   ) 2. 当你想知道几点时,你可以问:

A. What’s the time?     B. Excuse me, what’s the time, please?

C. What’s time now?

(   ) 3. 当你想知道“14+5”等于多少时,你可以问:

A. What’s fourteen minus five?  B. What’s fifteen plus four?

C. What’s fourteen plus five?

(   ) 4. 当你想知道别人的爱好时,你可以问:

A. What would you like?    B. What do you like?

C. Do you like swimming?

(   ) 5. 当你去商店时,营业员会跟你说:

A. What would you like?    B. What do you like?

C. What about the white trousers?

(   ) 6. 当你喊饿时,妈妈会跟你说:

A. What would you like?    B. What about a bar of chocolate?

C. Some bread?

(   ) 7. 当别人问你能看见多少盒牛奶时,你可以回答:

A. It’s five.    B. Five.   C. I can see five cartons of milk.

(   ) 8. 当别人问你是否弹吉他时,你可以回答:

A. Yes, it is.   B. Yes, I do. C. No, I don’t. I play the piano.


a. (    ) 1. How many balls can you see?  A. It’s six.

(    ) 2. What’s fourteen minus eight?  B. I’d like a blue hat.

(    ) 3. Where’s his knife?     C. I can see six.

(    ) 4. What would you like?    D. I like the violin.

(    ) 5. What do you like?     E. It’s on the pencil box.

b. (    ) 1. What about some sandwiches? A. Yes, she is.

(    ) 2. Is that your computer?    B. No, I like rowing.

(    ) 3. Is this his aunt ?     C. No, thanks.

(    ) 4. Do you like skating?    D. Yes, it is.

(    ) 5. Do you play the guitar?   E. Yes, I do.


a. (  ) Yes, it is.        b. (    )  How much is it?

(   ) Can I have a look?    (    )  Yes, I’d like a carton of milk, please.

(  ) Is it your camera?    (    )  Here you are.

(  ) What a nice camera!    (    )  Can I help you?

(   ) Sure. Here you are.    (    )  Five yuan .

c. (  ) Thank you.       d. (    )  What do you like?

(   ) Where’s it?            (    )  Do you like the piano?

(  ) I can’t find my key.    (    )  I like running. Shall we go running?

(  ) Good morning, Dad.    (    )  Good idea. Let’s g

(   ) It’s in your school bag, I think. (    )  No, I don’t.


1.手表  2. 修正带   3. 女孩   4.二   5. 钟        6. 包

7.男士   8. 钥匙   9. 三   10.书   11.一       12.男孩

13.床   14. 轿车   15. 游泳  16.钢琴  17. 背心      18. 馅饼

19.慢跑  20. 自行车  21. 吉他  22.便帽  23. 蛋糕      24. 课桌

25.跑   26. 椅子    27. 小提琴  28.热狗  29. 公共汽车   30. 礼帽







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