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四、 Read  and  match.(读一读,将问句与答句配对)

1、What  can  you  see?               A. It’s  purple.

2、What  colour  is  it?                 B. I  can  see  six  butterflies.

3、How  many  pears?                  C、There’re  five  pears.

4、What  colour  are  they?           D、I hear a chick,It’s goes”peep…peep

5、What  do  you  hear?               E、They  are  brown。

6、What  can  you  hear ?              F、 I  can  hear  a  ship。

五、Look, read and  write.(看图,填入适当的单词,完成答句)

1、How  many _____________  are  there? There  is  one.

2、PaPa  Bear: Autumn  is  _____________. I  have  ________________  for  autumn.

3、Baby Bear : ____________  is  cold. What  do  I  have  for  ____________?

Mama Bear : Oh, baby.  Look!  You  have  a  new  ___________ for winter.

4、Baby Bear : Mum , look! My  ____________  are  too  short.  I need  new ones.

五、 Look  and  write(看图写单词)

六、 Read  and  judge.(阅读短文并判断句子,用”T”或“F”表示)

Today  is  Kitty’s birthday. Kitty, her father and mother are in the room. There’s a big cake on the table. Kitty is eight years old. She’s thin and short. Her eyes are big. Her nose is small. She has a gift. It’s a nice watch. They eat the cake together. They are happy.

(   ) 1 This  is  Kitty’s birthday.

(   )2 Kitty and her parents(父母) are in the park.

(   )3 Kitty has a nice book.

(   )4Look at Kitty. Her eyes are small. Her nose is small too.

(   )5 Kitty eats the cake.

It ‘s  Sunday(周日) . It’s sunny and warm. Kitty and Alice are in the zoo.  Look at the elephants . They are big. They have long noses. They are grey. The monkeys are brown and thin. They like eating bananas. They are naughty. The pandas are black and white. They are very lovely. Kitty and Alice are happy.

(   ) 1 Kitty and Alice are in the park.

(   )2 The elephants have long noses.

(   )3The monkeys are thin and naughty.

(   )4The monkeys like eating apples and bananas.

(   )5 Kitty and Alice are happy.

七、 Read and write(用下列词填空,使句意完整,不得重复)

hear   see    Touch    Smell   draw    sing    Put   fly

1 What do you ___________? I  see  a  kite

2____________  your  face.  It’s soft

3_____________ the  flower. It’s  nice

4I  can ____________  a  dog. Woof….Woof….

5 Alice can _______________  a  kite.

6 _______________  a star on the tree, please.

7 I  can _______________  a  flower.

8Danny  can _____________  a  songw

Look, choose and write.(看图,选择正确的词组填空完成句子)

A、nice and warm   B、ride a bicycle  C、skip rope  D、play football

E、two elephants    F、eating grass

1Sping is _______________________________. I like sping.

2Ben can _______________________________ in the park.

3Can Danny play basketball? No , he can ___________________________.

4How many elephants are there ? There are ________________________.

5Skip, skip. I can _____________________________.

6 It is a zebra . It likes ________________________.






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