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(  ) 6. It’s time for class.         F. No, it isn’t.

Ⅰ                           Ⅱ

(  ) 1. Where’s your skirt?        A. No, it isn’t my book.

(  ) 2. Is this my lunch box?       B. Good evening.

(  ) 3. Is that your book?          C. I’m sorry.

(  ) 4. Don’t sleep in class.        D. Yes, Mr. Green.

(  ) 5. Sit down, Mike.           E. It’s a rubber.

(  ) 6. What’s that over there?     F. It’s over there.

(  ) 7. This cake is for you.        G. Thank you.

(  ) 8. Good evening.            H. Yes, it is.

Ⅰ                       Ⅱ

(  ) 1. Don’t eat in the library.     A. No, it isn’t.

(  ) 2. What’s this?              B. It’s orange.

(  ) 3. Is this your robot?         C. I’m sorry.

(  ) 4. Sit down, please.          D. Yes, Mr. Green.

(  ) 5. What colour is the cap?     E. Yes, please.

(  ) 6. Would you like a pie?      F. It’s a white rubber.

Ⅰ                           Ⅱ

(  ) 1. What are these?              A. No, they aren’t.

(  ) 2. Are those desks?             B. Yes, he is.

(  ) 3. Is this your brother?          C. It’s an apple.

(  ) 4. Here you are.                D. They’re pigs.

(  ) 5. Who’s this?                 E. He’s my father.

(  ) 6. What’s this?                 F. Thank you.

Ⅰ                           Ⅱ

(  ) 1. Is she your grandma?    A. Nice to meet you, Sam.

(  ) 2. Who’s he?             B. They’re pears.

(  ) 3. My name is Sam.       C. It’s six o’clock.

(  ) 4. What are these?         D. He’s my uncle.

(  ) 5. What time is it?         E. Yes, they are apples.

(  ) 6. Are those apples?       F. No, she isn’t.

6.22    (     )


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