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hurry  old  meet  about  for  o’clock  time  six

A: Hello, Mike.

B: Hello, Liu Tao.

A: This is my sister, Liu Mei.

B: Nice to ______ you, Liu Mei. How _____ are you?

C: I’m_______. What ______ you?

B: I’m ten. This doll is ______ you.

C: Thank you.

B: What ______ is it, Liu Tao?

A: It’s eight ________. It’s time for class. ________ up.


1、---Look! Don’t ________ here.


2、--- Is _____ your schoolbag?

--- _______, it _______.

3、---What ______ is it, mum?

---It’s _______o’clock.

---It’s ______ for school.

-----Goodbye, mum.

4、---What are _________?

---They are _________.

5、---Happy Birthday!  _____ _____ are you?

---I’m _________.

6、---_______ is my _______?

---It’s behind the ________

---Where’s my _________?

---It’s ______ the desk.

7、--- _____ is ____ girl?

--- ______my friend, Yang Ling.

6.21 (     )



(    )             (    )                 (   )

A: ---Look, a bird!     ---What a nice bird!

---Where’s the bird?    ---It’s in the tree now.

B: ---What time is it?   ---It’s seven o’clock. Time to get up, Liu Tao.

C: ---Look! This is my family photo.  ---Who’s this?

---He’s my father.


(    )               (    )                 (   )

A: ---Good morning, Miss Li.   ---Good morning, Mike.

---Hurry up, Mike. Don’t be late for class.   ---OK.

B: ---Where’s my puppy?   ---Is it behind the chair?

---No, it’s behind the door.

C: ---Goodbye, Yang Ling.   ---Goodbye, Mike.


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