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在愉快的暑假中,同学们一定要能按时认真地完成暑假作业,并且让自己的假期过得安全、充实,而且有意义,威廉希尔app 提供了2015三年级英语下册暑假作业,希望对大家有用。

一、 写出下列字母的大写或小写

s      c      d       e      o      y      t      n      x

K     H     G       J      I       P      V     W      Q


1. 晴朗的_  ______       2. 下雨的 _______       3.刮风的 ____  ___

4. 多云的_____   _       5. 下雪的________       6. 温暖的_____  __

7.  炎热的____   ___     8. 凉爽的___  ___       9. 寒冷的________

10. 医生                 11.教师                 12.护士

13.司机                  14.邮递员               15. 农民

16. a singer               17. a dancer


(    )1. What’s the weather           ? It's a sunny day. I’m hot.

A. like           B. is        C. you like

(    )2. It’s a         day. I don’t like this weather. It’s too cold.

A. sunny     B. hot       C. snowy .

(    )3. Is he a farmer?

A. Yes, she is.        B. No, he isn’t.           C. Yes, I am.

(    )4. I am a teacher. You         a doctor.

A. are         B. is            C. am

(    )5.            ?     I like a windy day. It’s very cool.

A.Is it a cloudy day ?        B. What’s the weather like?

C.  What weather do you like?.

(    )6. Are you a postman?              .  I’m a teacher. .

A. Yes, I am.       B. No, I’m not.    C. No, you aren’t.

(    )7. .             ?  I am eighteen.

A. How old are you        B. How are you    C. What is your name

(    )8. Is that woman a singer ?             .

A. Yes, he is.     B. No, she isn’t.     C. Yes, it is.

(    )9. I              this weather. I like sunny days.

A. don't like    B. isn’t like      C. likes

(    )10.              tigers are there? There are twenty tigers.

A. What    B. How many    C. What time


(     ) 1. What weather do you like?.           A. I’m very well.

(     ) 2. What’s the weather like?             B. No, she isn’t. She is a doctor.

(     ) 3. Is she a nurse?                     C. I like a snowy day.

(     ) 4. Are you a postman?                 D . Yes, I am.

(     ) 5. How are you?                      E. It’s windy. I’m cool.


(   )1、 想问天气如何,可以这样问:

A. What weather do you like?       B. Wha’s the weather like?

(   )2、想问你喜欢什么天气,应该说:

A. What weather do you like?          B. What’s the weather like today?

(   )3、想问那个男的是农民吗。 应该说:

A.Is he a driver?    B. Is she a farmer?   C. Is he a farmer?

(   )4、Tom想问你是个邮递员吗,可以这样说:

A. Are you a postman?   B. Are you a doctor?     C. Is she a postman?

(   )5、你想告诉别人你是一个教师。 应该说:

A. You are a teacher.     B. She is a teacher.     C. I am a teacher.


1. weather  do  like  you  What?

2. like   the   What’s   weather ?

3.  he   a    driver   Is ?

4. are  a     You  doctor .

5. don’t    a   like  day   I  rainy.


(    )  Oh, it’s a cold day.

(    )  I like sunny days.

(    )  It’s windy, too.

(    )  What’s the weather like?

(    )  It’s rainy.

(    )  I don't like this weather.


1.What is the weather like? It’s snowy. I’m cold.

2. What weather do you like? I like a sunny day. I can play.

3. I don't like a cloudy day.

4. Are you a doctor? No, I’m not. I am a teacher.

5. Is he a driver? Yes , he is .

九、阅读理解, 根据课文回答问题。


Look at the photo(照片) of Lucy’s family. The girl is Lucy. She is a beautiful girl. She is a pupil. She likes eating ice cream and bread(面包). The woman next to(在…旁边) her is her(她的) mother. Her mother is a singer. She can sing very well. The man next to her is her father. Her father is a driver. He drives the taxi around the city(绕着城市). He is a good driver. The old man is Lucy’s grandpa. Her grandpa is 78 years old. The old woman is Lucy’s grandma. Her grandma is 74 years old. And do you see the little boy? That boy is Lucy’s little brother. He is only 3 years old. He is very naughty(调皮) and funny(搞笑). This is a happy family.

(   ) 1. What’s this?       A. a picture of school    B. a picture of Lucy’s family.

(   ) 2. What does Lucy like?     A. She likes ice cream.     B. She likes cakes.

(   ) 3. What’s her mother ?    A. a singer        B.  a driver

(   ) 4. Where(哪里) is Lucy’s father?   A. behind Lucy.    B.  next to Lucy.

(   ) 5. How old is Lucy’s grandma?    A. She is 78.      B.  She is 74.

(   ) 6. Is Lucy’s brother funny?       A. No, he isn’t .    B.  Yes, he is.

(   ) 7. What’s her father ?         A. He is a driver    B.  He is a postman.

(   ) 8. How many people are there in Lucy’s family?    A. five      B.  six

( 二 )

CCTV :  Today(今天) is a good day. It’s a sunny day. It’s warm. You can see the white clouds in the blue sky. But tomorrow(明天) is an interesting(有趣的) day. Because(因为) it will snow. It will be a snowy day. It’s very cold. You and your family can play with snow. You can play snowball(雪球) and you can make a snowman with your family.

(   ) 1. What’s the weather like today?        A. a sunny day    B. a snowy day

(   ) 2. What can you see in the sky?          A. blue bird      B. white clouds

(   ) 3. What’s the weather like tomorrow?     A. a sunny day    B. a snowy day

(   ) 4. What can you play tomorrow?

A. play snowball and make a snowman   B. have ice cream and play games

(   ) 5. How do you get the news(消息) ?    A. My teacher    B. on CCTV


1.  What’s the weather like?               2. He is a farmer.

It’s a sunny day. I’m hot.                She is a doctor.






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