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5. 根据短文内容选择适当的应答

A:Good afternoon, Liu Tao.

B:Good afternoon, Miss Li. I can’t find (找不到) my pencil case.

A:Is it in your schoolbag?

B:No, it isn’t here.

A:Is it in your desk?

B:No, the pencil case isn’t in my desk.

A:Oh, here’s a pencil case on the chair. Is it yours?

B:No, it’s yellow. It’s Wang Bing’s. My pencil case is blue.

A:I can see a blue pencil case under the desk.

B:Oh, it’s my pencil case. Thank you, Miss Li.

(    ) 1. It is in the __________.     A. morning B. afternoon C. evening

(    ) 2. ___________ pencil case is on the chair.

A. Liu Tao’s        B. Wang Bing’s       C. Miss Li’s

(    ) 3. Liu Tao can’t find his _________.

A. pencil           B. pencil case         C. schoolbag

(    ) 4. What colour is Wang Bing’s pencil case? __________________.

A. It’s black        B. It’s blue.           C. It’s yellow

(    ) 5. Liu Tao’s pencil case is _______________.

A. in the desk       B. under the desk      C. in the schoolbag


1.(A. Is that girl your sister?    B. Twelve.     C. Who is the man?

D. Hello, Wang Bing.)

A: Hello, Mike.

B: _______________

A: Look at My family photo.

B: How nice! ________ Is he your father?

A:No, he is my uncle.

B: ____________________

A: Yes, you are right.

B: How old is she?

A: ________________

2. ( A. I see. Thank you.   B. They’re pigs.   C. Welcome to my farm, Liu Tao.

D. He’s my friend Liu Tao.  E. Are those apples?)

A: Hello, Wang Bing. Who is he?

B: ______________

A: __________________.

C: Thank you. What are these?

A: ___________

C: ____________

A: No, they’re pears.

C: ____________

3. ( A. OK.    B. What time is it?     C. It’s time for school. )

A: Look at the clock.

B: ____________

A: It’s seven o’clock. ______________

B: Oh, I’m late.

A: Please hurry.

B: ____________

4. ( A. No,it isn’t.    B. Where is my pencil?     C. Thank you

D. Is that your pencil?)

A: This isn’t my pencil?_____________

B: Is it in your pencil case?

A:_______________. Look, it’s not here.

B: Oh, I can see a pencil under the chair._______________

A: Yes, it is. __________

B: You’re welcome.(不客气)

5. ( A. How old are you?      B: How lovely!

C. What is it?   D. I want a robot. )

A: Happy birthday, Sam! This is for you.

B: Thank you.__________

A: It’s a toy car.

B: ________ I like it.

A: It’s time for the cake. __________

B: I’m four.

A: Make a wish!

B: OK.__________






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