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这篇关于暑假大串联三年级英语下册暑假作业习题,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!


二、在四线三格里,用所给字母组成正确的单词( 10分 )

1. t,e,u,d,n,t,s


3. t,o,r,h,s


5. i,y,l,m,a,f

三、按括号内要求写出下列单词的适当形式。 (10分)

(1) R(同音单词)________     (2)what is(缩写)

(3) big(反义词)________     (4)woman(对应词)

(5) grandfather(口语)___________


(    )1. A. Chinese  B. UK       C. USA       D. China

(    )2. A.panda     B. white    C. orange    D. pink

(    )3. A. ten      B. eraser   C. eight     D. seven

(    )4. A. crayon   B. pencil box   C. peach  D. ruler

(    )5. A. brother  B. sister    C.teacher    D. mother

(    )6. A.rice      B.juice      C. milk      D.water

(    )7. A.dog       B.bag        C. pig       D.tiger

(    )8. A.you       B.I          C. your      D.she

(    )9. A.long      B.thin       C. tall      D.tail

(    )10.A.ear       B.face       C. mouth     D.are


(    )1. A:What's your name?


A. Your name is Tom.  B. He name is Tom.

C.I’m Tom.           D. He's fat.

(    )2. Miss white: This is Amy, She’s from the USA.


A. Thank you.            B. How old are you?

C. Here you are.         D.Welcome.

(    )3. — Can I have some fish,please? — _________.

A. Yes, I can       B. Yes,you can

C. No, I can’t     D.No,you cann’t.

(    )4.  —Who is that man?   —______________.

A. He is my mother. B. She is my father

C. He is my sister  D.He is my grandfather

(    )5. —What’s in your pencil box?  —________.

A. How nice.        B. Guess.

C. Thank you.       D.Some books.

(    )6.A: Where are you from?

B:            __________ .

A. China            B.Children

C. OK.              D.I’m a teacher.

(    )7.What’s this?           .

A. It’s a elephant   B. It’s an elephants

C. It’s a elephants  D.It’s an elephant

(    )8.Look_____the rabbit,it ____ a short tail.

A.  at,has            B. in,has

C. for, have          D.at,have

(    )9.A: Is that a book?


A. Yes, that is.     B. Yes,it is

C. No,that isn’t.   D. No,it is

(    )10.Is she your mother?

A. Yes, he is.       B. No, he isn’t.

C. Yes, she is.      D. No, she is.



(    )1.Good morning,Wu Yifan.    A. Here you are.

(    )2.Nice to meet you.         B. I can see ten.

(    )3.How are you?              C. It’s blue.

(    )4.What’s this?             D. You are welcome.

(    )5.I’d like some bread, please. E. Thank you.

(    )6. Here you are.            F.It’s an arm

(    )7. What colour is it?        G. I'm very well,thanks.

(    )8. Thank you.              H. Good morning,Mike.

(    )9. How old are you?         I.Nice to meet you.,too.

(    )10. How many ducks can you see? J.I’m eight years old.


(    )Tom: Nice to meet you ,too. Where are you from?

(    ) An: Who’s that boy?

(    )Tom: Yes,I like sports.Let’s play!

(    ) An: I’m from the UK.

(    )Amy: He’s my brother ,Tom.

(    )Amy: Hi,Tom.This is An.

(    ) An: Nice to meet you ,Tom.

(    ) An: You are tall!


Mike and John are good friends. They’re from America. Mike is twelve years old. John is thirteen years old. They are good students. They like to eat rice. John has many new friends. Miss White is their Chinese teacher. She likes them very much.

(     )1, Mike and John are good friends.

(     )2. John is twelve years old.

(     )3. John is from the USA.

(     )4.Tom likes to eat hamburgers.

(     )5. Miss White thinks(认为)they are good students.

(     )6. Miss White likes Mike.






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