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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了最新2014暑假总动员小学英语暑假作业,希望大家阅读愉快。


1. 多少钱                       2. 什么颜色

3. 一块巧克力                   4. 上学

5. 进来                         6. excuse me

7. in English                     8. have lunch

9. sound good                    10. have a look


(     ) 1. ---                   --- It’s yellow .

A. How old ?      B. How much ?      C. What colour ?

(     ) 2. ---                   --- It’s time to have breakfast.

A. Where are you ?   B. It’s seven .         C. What’s the time ?

(     ) 3. --- Can I have look ?     ---

A. No, you don’t .    B. Yes, it is .          C. Yes, you can .

(     ) 4. What colour is it ?       --- It’s           .

A. a bed            B. a red              C. red

(     ) 5.---         is the belt ?  --- Thirty yuan .

A. How many        B. How much         C. How

(     ) 6. It’s time           have lunch .

A. to               B. for               C. at

(     ) 7.--- Mike. Where’s my pen?  --- Sorry, I         know .

A. not              B. don’t             C. can’t

(     ) 8. --- What’s the time ?     ---             .

A. All right          B. That’s right        C. It’s eight

(     ) 9. --- Is that a TV ?    ---             .

A. Yes, it isn’t       B. No, it is.         C. Yes, it is

(     ) 10.---Where’s my bag ?   ---             .


A. It’s six o’clock      B. No, it isn’t       C. On the chair



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