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以下是威廉希尔app 小编精心为大家分享的小学生最新版三年级英语暑假作业欢迎大家参考学习。


I. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入括号内

(    ) 1.  A. dog     B. cake       C. sofa

(    ) 2.  A. apple    B. bookcase   C. zoo

(    ) 3.  A. blue     B. black      C. brown

(    ) 4.  A. coat     B. shirt       C. box

(    ) 5.  A. man     B. boy        C. girl

II. 听录音, 判断下列是否与内容相符,相符的打√,不符的打×

(    ) 1. What’s your name

(    ) 2. An ice-cream ?

(    ) 3. Good night

(    ) 4. I’m a Chinese boy .

(    ) 5. Good, but how ?


(    ) 1 .Go home now , David !

(    ) 2. My name is Liu Tao .

(    ) 3. Let’s go to the zoo .

(    ) 4. Look at my new dress .

(    ) 5. Turn on the TV , please .

IV. 选出你所听到的短语或句子,将其序号填在括号内

(    ) 1. A. I’m an English girl . B. Close the door .    C.Good , but how ?

(    ) 2. A. My eyes are small . B. a tall man         C. How are you ?

(    ) 3. A. Turn off the light .  B. Let’s go to the park.  C.I’m fat .

(    ) 4. A. It’s nice !         B. My hair is long.     C.Nice to meet you.

(    ) 5. A. Go to school .      B. By bike        C. I’mfrom Nanjing.

笔试  (60)

I. 找出下列各组中不属于同一类的单词,将序号填在括号内 (20 )

(    ) 1. A. pen         B. ball pen       C. dress

(    ) 2. A. apple       B. monkey       C. orange

(    ) 3 A. bus         B. jacket         C. coat

(    ) 4. A. short        B. tall          C. cake

(    ) 5. A. black       B. egg           C. yellow

(    ) 6. A. man        B. cinema       C. supermarket

(    ) 7. A. sister       B. boy           C. long

(    ) 8. A. green       B. bike          C. red

(    ) 9. A. watermelon  B. fridge         C. bed

(    )10. A. milk       B. fat           C. tea

II. 判断下列中英文意思是否相符.若相符打√  ,不相符打×    ( 20 )

(    ) 1. 晚上睡觉前和妈妈说:Go to school .

(    ) 2. 李老师,这是我的母亲。Miss Li , this is my father.

(    ) 3. 描述自己的个子不高时,说:I’m tall.

(    ) 4. 这是一张课桌。This is a table.

(    ) 5. 下午好!Good morning.

(    ) 6. 我们去长城吧。Let’s go to the Great Wall .

(    ) 7. 向别人介绍自己的父亲时说:This is his father.

(    ) 8. 跟别人说再见时说: See you .

(    ) 9. 要求帮助打开水龙头说: Close the door.

(    ) 10. 看我的短裙。 Look at my dress .

III. 对号入座,请将II中相应的序号填入I栏的括号内。(10 )

(    ) 1. Look at my new blouse.               A. Not bad .

(    ) 2, How are you ?                       B. Yes, please.

(    ) 3. See you .                           C. All right.

(    ) 4. A glass of orange juice ?               D. It’s pretty !

(    ) 5. Open the window, please              E. See you.



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