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下面威廉希尔app 为大家整理了英语三年级下册暑假作业练习,希望大家在空余时间进行复习练习。祝大家暑期快乐。

I 听录音,选出你所听到的选项,将其序号填入括号内。(10)

1. A. 5 B. 15 C. 13

2. A. who B. what C. zoo

3. A. blue B. black C. white

4. A. grandfather B. father C. brother

5. A. he B. her C. she

II听句子,在括号内用数字标上序号。 ( 10 )

How are you?

Can I have a look?

What‘s this on the desk?

Let’s watch TV now.

It‘s time to have lunch.

Ⅲ 选出你所听到的图画,将其序号填入括号内。( 10 )

1. A B C

2. A B C

3. A B C

4. A B C

5. A B C

Written Test (70)

I 找出下列各组中不属于同一类的单词,将序号填在括号内。 (20)

1 .A. watch B. computer C. uncle D. pen

2. A. sister B radio C. son D. daughter

3 .A .plane B. bike C. car D. window

4. A. woman B. friend C. tall D. girl

5. A. zebra B. tiger C. egg D. panda

6. A. zoo B. crayon C. storybook D. tape

7. A. brother B. stapler C. knife D. copybook

8. A. door B. tap C. light D. tape

9. A. fat B. English C. big D. small

10. A. telephone B. sofa C. bookcase D. T-shirt

II 判断下列中英文意思是否相符。若相符的写T ,不相符的写F。 ( 10 )

1. 当你问别人时间时说:

What’s the time now?

2. 他是你的叔叔吗?

Is he your aunt?

3. 他是谁?

What‘s he?

4. 盒子里的那是什么?

What’s that on the box?

5. 我们去公园好吗?

Shall we go to the park?

III 对号入座。从II栏中选出答语并将相应的序号填入I栏的括号内。(20 )

1. 牛津版小学三年级英语下册期中考试题:Good night. A. No, he isn‘t.

2. What’s the time? B. Yes, it is.

3. What‘s twelve minus two? C. All right.

4. What’s one plus thirteen? D. It‘s 14.

5. Is this a camera? E. It’s a stapler.

6. Is he your father? F. It‘s black.

7. What’s that in English? G. It‘s ten.

8. What colour is your school bag? H. She’s my grandmother.

9. Who‘s she? I. It’s eleven o‘clock.

10. Let’s go home now. J. Good night.

Ⅳ英汉互译。( 20 )


1. car ____

2. desk ____

3. my ____

4. big ____

5. woman ___

6. 男孩 ___

7. 那,那个 ____

8. 她的 ___

9. 公园 ___

10. 鸟 ___



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