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下面是关于小学三年级英语暑假作业题,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!

一、下列每组四个单词中,根据它们的意义找出一个与其它三个不同类的单词,把它们的字    母填在前面的括号里。

(   ) 1  A. yellow   B. blue   c. father   D. red

(  )2、 A、cake   B、bread   C、 hot dog   D、 Coke

(  )3、 A、 chicken   B、 juice   C、 milk   D、 water

(  )4、 A、 doll   B、 balloon   C、 car   D、friend

(  )5、 A、 coffee   B、 boat   C、 car   D、 plane


(  )1、happy                         A、八

(  )2、tea                            B、喜欢

(  )3、like                           C、茶

(  )4、coffee                         D、咖啡

(  )5、eight                          E、朋友

(  )6、gift                           F、 风筝

(  )7、look                          G、炸薯条

(  )8、French fries                    H、看

(  )9、friend                         I、礼物

(  )10、kite                          J、快乐的


(  )1、Mum, can I have some bread ?    _________________

(  )2、Zoom, what do you like ? ________________

(  )3、Bailing, I have a plane. _________________

(  )4、Happy New Year !    ______________

(  )5、________________   I'm five.

(  )6、How many balloons ?  ___________________

A、I like cakes.        B、 Happy New Year!

C、How old are you?  D、Sure. Here you are.              E、Really ? May I have a look?     F、 Five.


eight    one    ten      five       four   two

three    seven     six      nine




(  )1、有一天,你的一位朋友生日,你应该说:

A、 Happy New Year!     B、Happy birthday!

C、How are you?

(  )2、你想向陈洁介绍你的一位新朋友,你应该说:

A 、This is my new friend.   B、 How are you?

C、 Nice to meet you.

(  )3、我有一只小兔子,你可以说:

A、I have a bear.     B、 I have a rabbit.

C、I have a pig.

(  )4、朋友有个新的玩具,你想让他给你看一看,你可以说:

A、Here you are.     B、 May I have a look ?

C、 Let's go to school.

(  )5、老师请你学小鸟飞,用英语可以这样说:

A、Fly like bird.      B、 Climb like bear.

C、Hunt like mouse.


(  )1、Follow me!                       A、不用谢。

(  )2、You're welcome!                B、你几岁了?

(  )3、How old are you?               C、这个是送给你的。

(  )4、Let's eat the birthday cake.   D、 跟着我。

(  )5、This is for you.          E、让我们一起来吃生日蛋糕吧。


(  )1、新年快乐!                  A、Really?

(  )2、吃块蛋糕吧!               B、Have some cakes.

(  )3、学一学熊猫。               C、It's nice. I like it.

(  )4、太漂亮了,我很喜欢它。  D、Act like the panda.

(  )5、真的吗?                    E、Happy New Year!


head        Coke          milk         cake

----     ----      ----       ----


apple__________ letter__________ sweater__________

banana__________ duck__________ elephant_________

coffee__________ friend__________ computer__________


hot sweets song chocolate

1. Amy likes ________.(牛奶)

2. We sing ________.(歌)

3. We have peanuts and __________.(糖果)

4. It's sunny and ________.(热的)


1.Do you like mangoes? (     )

A. I play table tennis. B. Yes, I do.

2.What's the time,please? (     )

A. It's two o'clock. B. Oh, thank you.

3.Have you got a coat? (     )

A. Yes, I have. B. It's very good.

4.What are you doing? (     )

A. I like cycling. B. I'm watching TV.

5. How do you go to school? (     )

A. Good morning. B. I go to school by bike.



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