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以下是威廉希尔app 小编精心为大家分享的2014年小学暑假作业三年级英语练习欢迎大家参考学习。


A. purple  B. five  C. behind  D. pear  E. beside  F. grape  G. yellow

H. nine  I. near  J. brown  K. seven  L. banana  M. apple

N. in front of  O.green  P.ten

1. Colour(颜色):

2. Numbers(数字):

3. Position(位置):

4. Fruits(水果):

二 、选择适当的单词把句子补充完整,并把其大写字母编号写在题前的括号里。

(   ) 1. ----Hi, Mike. Do you like grey?

----No, I don’t.

---- Oh!

---- I like white. I have two white mice.

A. How are you?          B. What pet do you like?

C. What colour do you like?

(   ) 2. ----Rose, where is my kite?


---- No, it isn’t. Oh, it’s in the box.

A. Is it in the box?          B. Is it on the bed?

C. It’s in the box.

(   ) 3. ----Let’s go to shop. I want some fruits.


---- I like apples and oranges.

A. What fruits do you want?          B. What fruits do you like?

C. What fruit do you like?

(   ) 4. ----What’s in your schoolbag?

----Open it and see.


A. There are two pens and three books.

B. There are two birds and three horses.

C. There are two men and three children.

(   ) 5. ----Do you have a phone?


A. Yes. I have a phone.

B. No. I don’t have a phone.

C. Yes. I have a phone book.



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