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A. Yes, it is.       B. No, it is.        C. It’s my schoolbag.

(    ) 14. 同学让你看他的新帽子,你可以说:

A. How nice!     B. Thank you.     C. Look at my new cap.

(    ) 15. 你找不到你的蜡笔,可以问:

A. It’s a crayon.   B. What’s this?    C. Where’s my crayon?

(    ) 16. 你告诉同学Bobby在图书馆,可以说:

A. Bobby is here.  B. Bobby is in the library.   C. Where’s Bobby?

(    ) 17. 同学让你看她的玩具汽车,你可以说:

A. How nice!     B. Thank you.     C. Look at my toy car.

(    ) 18. 你想把礼物送给你的朋友,可以说:

A. It’s a crayon.   B. What’s this?    C. This is for you.

(    ) 19. 当别人送礼物给你时,你应该说:

A. This is for you.   B. Thank you.   C. What’s that?

(    ) 20. 你想知道几点了,你会说:

A. What time is it?         B. What’s this?   C. It's time for class.

(    ) 21. 是吃午饭的时候了,妈妈会说:

A. It's time for lunch.    B. It's time for bed.   C. What's the time?

(    ) 22. 妈妈告诉你九点了,该睡觉了。她会对你说:

A. It's nine. It's time for bed.     B. It's ten. It's time for bed

(    ) 23. 你想知道那些是不是鸭子,可以问:

A. What are those?    B. Are these ducks?   C. Are those ducks?

(    ) 24. 想知道教室里的女孩是谁,可以问:

A. Who's the girl?  B. Is that girl your sister?  C. Who's the woman?

(    ) 25. 外面刮风了,妈妈对你说:

A. Please open the window.         B. Please open the door.

C. Please close the window.

(    ) 26. 你想问他是不是他的爸爸时,你会说:

A. Is he your father?    B. Is he your uncle?   C. Is she your uncle?

(    ) 27. 你告诉别人她是你的阿姨,你会说:

A. He's my uncle.    B. She's my uncle.   C. She's my aunt.


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